;; 18

247 13 4

- inappropriate scenes ahead, not too descriptive i think
- short mentions of Vomiting (🥱 - start/end)

3 AM.

Minho stayed silent while the front door closed and grabbed the water beside him, taking a sip as he listened closely to what was going on. He got his phone out and hit record for extra proof, in case he needed it some time.

In case he was imagining it all.

"Is he sleeping?"

"It's three in the morning, hes probably dead asleep," Jisung chuckled and for a while afterwards it was silent.

Well.. Until-

"Fuck! I see why your boyfriends always so needy." Minho heard the girl moan and immediately cringed out of disgust, despite the tears in his eyes.

All that could be heard through the thin apartment walls was the girls moan for a good amount of time, to the point he began wondering if Jisung had just left with how silent he was.

Minho was torn between vomiting or curling in a ball to cry, but he knew Jisung would likely pretend to be concerned when he went to bed, or they would hear him.

After a while she let out a rather high pitched moan and whined.

"Oh, oh Jisung- Sungie, im gonna.."

Minho's lip quivered, tears threatening to fall, and he put the water bottle he held down, hearing what sounded like the end of his new worst nightmare.

He shakily went to stop the recording before he heard something else.

"Take care, Sihyeon." He could almost hear the boredom in Jisung's voice, "and thanks, for the help."

The girl giggled and Minho heard what sounded like a kiss happening, so he ended the recording finally.

The door opened and closed, signaling Sihyeon left. The sad boy put his phone down quietly and pretended to be asleep the best he could when Jisung came in.

The bed dipped behind him and he felt arms wrap around his waist, the youngers breathing on his neck enough to send shivers down his spine. It made it an even bigger struggle to hold his tears, however, a single tear making it's way down slowly.

After around ten minutes, he heard the younger begin to let out soft snores and he opened his eyes to look around the dark room. He sighed heavily, turning in his boyfriend's hold to face him, reaching to cup his cheek.

Jisung nudged his hand sleepily, letting Minho caress his cheekbone with his thumb.

"You're so fucked, Jisung.." He whispered sadly, "I don't..."

He couldn't even finish, yanking his hand away from the boy's face and sitting up so quickly that the younger woke up in fear, watching Minho run out of the room before his brain registered the action. Jisung got up to look for him, watching his boyfriend go into the bathroom area and shut the door behind him before he heard the awful sound.


Minho cried as he let out all the contents of his stomach into the toilet, a free hand reaching to hold his abdomen where it hurt. He heard a light knock after a second, humming the best he could - he was sure Jisung understood, even if his hum sounded more similar to a whimper.

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