Chapter Two: The Journey to Melanie's Castle Begins

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After packing your bags and leaving your house for a journey to attack on Melanie, you and Evan are ready for a challenging journey like the two of you did when you fought the Sapphire Dragon. The two of you are so excited for fun adventures while also being warned about some dangers of the quest.

"Let's see what this map has in store with us." Evan said.

You showed him the map that Horus gave you. The map shows that Melanie's castle is near Gnarlia's. It also has a few safe spots, such as a park with the dancing and singing group of socks performing there as it was mentioned in The Gothmorian Times magazine, a medieval style convenience store where it sells fruity frozen drinks the medieval way, and a hotel owned by innocent gnomes that don't scare you. However, there are some important places that are on the map, including the castle that stores magic and of course, Melanie's castle.

"This map tells us to go right out of our house." Evan said to you.

"Yes." You said to him. "And after we go right, we walk forward to Midsummer Forrest."

"To be honest, what maps do to us is what a machine called a GPS does to you in the real world." Evan said to you.

"Of course," You said to him "Because when we first used the map together, these felt like a medieval version of Google Maps to me."

"Because that's what maps are used for, to keep track of your directions while you go somewhere." He said to you.

"So what else do we need during this journey aside from the importance of the map and wands?" You asked him.

Evan opens his suitcase to get his loot before closing it again. You then looked at him holding it, and you knew that there will be a duet about this journey.

"Some good music!" The two of you said.

The new song begins with a loot solo, and continues with the two of you singing. Because you're an honorary quester, you go first in the duet, and then Evan joins with you.


"That feeling when your loved one's friends

honors you,

you became overjoyed.

That feeling when their friend's in law

does something wrong,

there's another quest that could be enjoyed."


"That feeling when you finally had

a brand new life,

there's always something new.

That feeling when you met your loved one

out of nowhere,

they are so special to you!"

(Both Evan and y/n)

"We've got 99 problems but a witch ain't one.

We had a great journey,

and we're having another one!"

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