Before 10-

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Two talented people met together and made perfection, something that the cult of perfection couldn't obtain.

Lucille, a mastermind who strived for perfect energy that would never harm the earth and a brilliant mind that was ready to go.

Kellyn, a ranger that was a hero of his home and a lost soul that has been a target of pain, but hides it all.

They became something for each other and they were inseparable. Lucille became the light of Kellyn's dark world that he wasn't forced to give away while Kellyn became Lucille's throne. They had three kids after they got married; Vitor and Natalie as the older two and Pluto as the younger one. Life was great-

Until the incident.



The Nuclear Plant was having a meltdown, yet the mastermind ran back into it, hurrying to get to her ally in the back before the whole place went down.


Kellyn was in ruins when the news hit. He held Pluto close as he was hardly one and was feeding him some formula. The tears were many as he tried to get a hold of himself. Pluto was at least gentle and kept most of the ranger's attention on him.

Vitor and Natalie, who were three, watched from the doorway at their father, unknowing how this would turn up. They just hoped they wouldn't get separated.


Kellyn was nicer than that. He was able to get ahold of his sister and have her watch them (Since Pluto needed the most watching over of the three). He then made sure the twins understood.

"I'll... try to visit. I'll try to be here for you guys. But... I want you two to stay strong and keep your brother safe. Let nothing happen to him and make it your duty to give him the world just like I did for your mother. Got it?" They nodded.

"Of course Dad!"

"We won't let you down!"

He smiled as he gave them one last hug before he disappeared out the door.


The twins did as they were told. With the help of Theo, they gave Pluto a life like no other. He was always in awe at the things they did.

They also made sure to keep their lives unique. They bonded together and planned their lives out for the minimum main gist of life.

That was until the incident.

7 years after their mother's incident, Pluto was playing with some of the other kids in Moki Town before he was attacked. One of the kids was able to get the twins as the others freaked out. They raced over as one of the kids tried to be brave and stand in front of the smaller boy as he teared up. But the attacker was clearly much more dangerous. One growl caused the child to back up and accidentally injure Pluto more. She muttered an apology as the dangerous pokemon got closer. That's when Natalie raced over and pushed the pokemon away. Bare handed, she grabbed one leg and threw it a little ways from the area while Vitor grabbed their younger brother.

"Pluto?" The small boy was crying rivers as he clutched onto his older brother. The pokemon took its chances and left as Natalie growled before going to the two boys. She then smiled at the girl that tried to protect him.

"Thank you for trying." She went to protest when Natalie stopped her. "You're not at fault. You did little accidental damage. That pokemon did more. Relax." She nodded before joining her friends so that the siblings could focus on each other.

"Hang in there, Pluto. We'll get you to the hospital."


Vitor and Natalie were horrified when they discovered that their brother would have scars and disabilities after the attack. The doctor gave them a suitcase of what they'd need to help him before they sent them on their way with the smaller boy. They took Pluto to his room and looked over everything while he rested before they received a visitor.

Apparently Kellyn had gotten word of what happened and came home to check on them. He embraced the twins before checking Pluto, who was still asleep from the painkillers that were keeping him from feeling the pain that had hit. He couldn't stay with everything happening, but the other rangers gave him a chance to see his child.

Afterwards, he had to go, But he was able to talk to Pluto a little bit before leaving. The twins then took the time to show Pluto what he needed. There were a lot of tears, but he was grateful for his siblings' help.


It was rough, but after 10 years from when it all began, a new life opened up.

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