Chapter 9 - The Supremacy

Start from the beginning

It isn't a preemptive attack.

Realization slammed into me like a fucking wall, a burst of the force filling me like a bomb.

"What?" Snoke's grasp on me faltered further and I sucked in a full, hot breath. I yanked my sabers to me and connected them, falling to my knees.

"Get up Rjea," Kylo spat before I even hit the ground.

I gasped. He was right. The red clad guards were closing in.

I switched my blades on and sent every emotion I could to the Knights, signaling them. Then I reached out and touched my Papa. Mama was there too.

Don't fire

Hopefully that worked. With an exhale, I released myself to the force.

I let the energy of the room flood my body. I spun, slicing the head clean off of the closest guard with a grunt. I felt the darkness flood through me, my anger at Snoke... But then, I remembered Papa's voice. So calm.

I continued to fight, my blades moving so fast they both looked grey.

I called to the light. To Padmé, to my mother, to Luke Skywalker. My body jerked from the sudden shift and I screamed, a force blast erupting from me, knocking almost everybody in the room down. Snoke slammed into his throne, finally getting his full attention again. The lift opened and the Knights poured out, killing the closest fallen men instantly.

"That's not possible!" Snoke screamed, and I felt his energy grow, preparing for a deadly attack. "You cannot gain such power from the light!" he roared, the sound almost deafening.

I focused on the force signature of the Knights of Ren.

Knights, prepare yourselves.

I pulled the light to me, and felt Kylo pulling on the dark. In the half a second we built up our attack, the room turned almost quiet, the force swirling around us like a storm. Last time we'd been consumed in ourselves; this time we were aware of the other's attack, our minds and bodies in sync. The effect was breathtaking; the more we reached out to force—to each other—the more I disconnected from my body, the further I felt like I was genuinely just a puppet for the force.

I met his eyes, and we shot our lighting toward each other. A moment before it connected, I spun my body, mirroring Kylo. Our lightning shifted, and at the same time, struck Snoke in the chest. The room exploded, and I shielded my eyes as the Supreme Leader was practically vaporized from the pure power that had made contact—a conductor for the light and dark. I felt the Knights tense, trying to resist the impact, but failing. They slammed into the walls, along with the remaining guards. Kylo and I both slid meters across the smooth ground.

I jumped to my feet and split my sabers apart, throwing them in different directions. They sliced through two each, four red guards dead.

I stood still as they returned to my hands, and watched the Knights take out the men closest to the entrance, brutally. I turned when I felt an enemy approaching me, understanding I was too late, and slammed utter despair and fear into them. By the time I was turned around, they stumbled slightly, just long enough for me to impale them with my blade.

A moment later I gasped when a body fell directly to my left, the torso separated from the legs. My eyes followed the black boots up Kylo's body. His chest was heaving, his saber burning hot in his hand. I looked down at the man at my feet. Kylo just saved my life.

When the room went silent less than a minute later, I met Kylo's eyes again. His chest was still heaving, rising and falling fast, his adrenaline still pumping through him, blood on his face and in his hair.

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