Our Beautiful Potato Love

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This one's for you Mr Obama!

My love for you is like the most beautiful potato,
Your face reminds me of a luscious dog,
Together, we are like rice and nothing.

Oh darling Barack,
My beautiful potato,
My luscious corn,
The perfect companion to my rice soul.

Roses are red,
Your eyes are blue,
I like your mom,
But not as much as I love fucking with you!

Oh darling Barack,
Your tongues are like an extraordinary toy on a Spring day,
You're like the most sexy popstar to ever walk In your mom.

Your luscious dog face,
Your nothing soul,
Your extraordinary tongues,
Your sexy popstar being...

How could I look at another when our beautiful potato love is so strong?

I love you Mr Obama!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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