Chapter 2 - The Ball

Start from the beginning

I sighed. "Could you go get us drinks?" I asked. He nodded with a smile, and I walked through the crowd until I reached the balcony. The metal of the railing was cold under my hands as I looked out on the lights and activity of Canto Bight, and the dark ocean beyond.

Despite myself, I found myself actually excited to see him. What he did to the temple was... horrible. But I'd heard the voices that tormented him. I heard the lies, the manipulations. I'm not saying it wasn't him, that he'd been under someone's control. No, it was him. He'd shut out the light completely.

But like I told Ben, the galaxy needs balance.

I wished he saw it that way. I could feel his inner struggle between the light and the dark. If only he would stop fighting it. Until then, he will never know peace.

She must hate me.

I turned at his thoughts. He was standing a couple meters away. At my movement, he closed the distance, stopping close enough to reach out and touch me, though he didn't. I smiled at up him. The words left my mouth before I even knew what I was doing.

"I would have gone with you," I said quietly, staring into the eye slits of his mask. He didn't move, but I felt him shuffle nonetheless. He took a step forward, our chests almost touching.

"You still dwindle in the light."

"And the dark." I smiled coyly. "And so do you."

I felt his rage at my words. I tensed, protecting my body with a force shield. I'd expected him to throw me with the force—or choke me with it—but to my surprise, he slapped me with the back of his hand. I felt the crowd shuffle in shock, and sent out a strong wave of calm indifference in return. The people turned back, no longer caring about us.

I slowly turned my face back to Kylo, unfazed. I've been hurt worse than that. Pain only increased my focus.

"How do you do that?"

I sucked on my bottom lip, tasting the blood from my split lip, unsure how to answer his question.

I should wrap my hands around her neck and suck her lips clean myself.

Oh gods, what the fuck. Warmth spread to my thighs at his thoughts, and I felt my face heat up.

She actually fucking liked that. I heard his heartbeat speed up. This was not how I thought the evening would go.

"I asked you a question, Rjea."

"I don't have a precise answer for you, sir." He tensed at the word. "I've always been able to influence emotions, from as long as I could remember. I've been told I did it in the womb. Now, may I ask why you keep calling me that?"

He paused, debating whether or not to answer. "No," he finally said. "And you can alter emotions negatively?"

I shrugged. "Sure. It's useful against enemies."

"Have you ever done it to me?"

My scrunched my face together, genuinely offended by the thought. "No, absolutely not. You aren't my enemy."

"I wouldn't be so sure." He gripped my arm and led me back into the ballroom, moving toward the exit.

"Hey, you have to at least buy me a drink first," she said breezily.

She's going to drive me insane.

"I'm not taking you to a room," he spat.

I shrugged. Then I noticed Jabe, holding two drinks, watching us. He saw my bloodied lip and was thinking about interfering. Sending a wave of comfort and acceptance over him, I winked. He gave me one of his lazy smiles. I felt bad, we'd been having a nice time. 

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