Yandere! Shin Tsukimi x Reader

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iTs NoT a PhAsE
Also, sorry if I didn't get his personality right its just cuz you never really see his soft side in yttd
Non-Death Game AU
Anyways, enjoy!

You woke up to the familiar beat of '(F/S)' playing on your alarm clock. You slowly rolled over and hit your alarm clock, making it stop playing '(F/S)'. You laid in your bed for a few more moments before finally getting dressed. You put on your usual attire, a black hoodie and jeans (you can change this if you want). You checked your phone and saw that your boyfriend, Shin, had texted you.

Shin: Good morning, sunshine

You didn't know why you were dating him; maybe you just had a thing for men who dressed like it was the middle of winter when it was summer. Whatever the reason, you had been dating him for a couple of weeks. But today was the day you were going to break up with him. As much as you loved him, bad things always happened since you got with him. Specifically, a lot of people were 'disappearing'. At first it was just your parents. Then the rest of your family. Then most of your friends. Then, it seemed as if anyone you even looked at 'disappeared'. However, as much as the media tried to say they were just 'reported missing', you had already come to terms with the fact that they were probably already dead. Your only friend that remained was (F/N).

They were your oldest and greatest friend, though also the most annoying. However, they had been with you through the good and the bad times, the happy and the sad times. They were your only loved one left (other than Shin), and you didn't want them 'disappearing'. Because of that, you always tried to spend as much time as possible with (F/N) so that the chance of them dying was almost demolished.

You went to the kitchen to make breakfast, when the doorbell rang. You ran over to answer it. Once you opened the door, you saw Shin, who was holding something behind his back. "Hello, (Y/N). You look beautiful today...Wait, did I saw that out loud? Ah! I, uh, didn't mean to. although it is true."
"Thanks." You mumbled, blushing. "What are you holding behind your back?"
"Huh? Oh, about that..."
He timidly held out a Monokuma plushie. "I saw this in a store, and I knew you loved the game, so I bought it."

That was it. You couldn't break up with him. He was so sweet, its just his timing was off. There was no way he could have been involved with the 'disappearances'. It was just bad luck. "Is something wrong, (Y/N)? Wait, do you not like it? I can return it if you want."
"No! I love it! I was just thinking. By the way, you can come inside now."
He nodded and walked inside. "Have you already had breakfast?"
You shook your head. "Then I'll make you some."

-Time Skip-

You and Shin ate breakfast, talking the entire time. While you ate, you had an unshakable feeling that you had forgotten something. Then you remembered; You needed to go see (F/N). "Shin! I just realized that I need to go visit (F/N)."
Shin looked up from where he was sitting. "You've been spending an awful amount of time with (F/N). Don't you want to spend time with me?"
"I do want to spend time with you, but I worry about (F/N). All of the people I care about are going missing, and I don't want them to be next."
Shin had a hurt expression on his face. "Am I not your friend?"
After and awkward pause, Shin finally spoke up. "Sorry but...I don't want you getting hurt. How about I come with you?"
You laughed. "Jealousy suits you."
You flicked him on the forehead before walking out the door.

You walked along in a weirdly happy mood. You kept walking until something caught your eye. The flash of red that you had seen had turned where you were going to turn. Filled with curiosity and dread, you continued walking along. Once you turned, you realized it was just Shin. You decided you wanted to scare him, so you crept closer. Eventually, you got close enough to scare him. "Aghh!" you screamed.
Shin whipped around, pulling a knife out of his obnoxious red scarf. He pointed the knife at you before immediately lowering it. "(Y/N)! Y-You scared me!" stuttered Shin.
"Yeah, I know that. Why do you have a knife?"
Shin's face turned a light shade of blue. "I, uh, always carry around a knife. For self-defense of course."
You eyed him suspiciously before skipping away and singing "Bye-bye~"

-Time Skip-

You had finally arrived at (F/N)'s house. Walked up the steps and rang the doorbell. Nobody answered. You figured it was just one of (F/N)'s silly antics, and you opened the door. You walked inside and instantly shut the door, drowned by a sudden feeling of unease. You briskly walked up to (F/N)'s room. You tried to open the door, but it was locked. You stepped back, trying to think of a way to unlock it, when a 'click' came from the door, signaling it was now unlocked. The door then rattled and opened, revealing Shin, who was holding something behind his back. His expression suddenly darkened. "You weren't supposed to be here."
He kicked you in the shin (puns!), causing you to fall over. He grabbed your hand and dragged you over to where (F/N)'s limp, lifeless, body lay.

You looked up and saw Shin smiling sweetly at you. You felt tears welling up in your eyes, and you started sobbing. Shin kneeled and started to pet you head while whispering "It's okay..." over and over.
You hugged him, knowing he was the only one left. The rest of them had abandoned you. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Shin continue to smile at you. "Oh (Y/N), you must understand. When someone loves you this much, you don't need anything else. I am only trying to teach you that."
You carried on crying. You knew that he was the only one left. If you had him, you needed no one else. "I'm glad I taught you something."

The End

Final word count: 1025

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