How are you?

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"Tengen-sama when do you think Kyojuro would wake up?" Mitsuri asked

I raised an eyebrow to her question but it was a good question but maybe a little too good

"Honestly I don't know, but I hope its not too long because I want us to hang out again"

And I'm not lying I want us to hang out again and hopefully it would be soon, but like Shinobu said he would wake up in a few weeks and hopefully they go by fast

Uzui's P. O. V

After getting our food, we both made our way back to HQ. When we got there Obanai was the first to greet us, well greet Mitsuri but thats beside the point.

"Hey, Obanai!! Not very flashy that you didn't greet me too!"

"I don't care about you" and with that he walked away dragging Mitsuri with him. Being the best friend she is she turned around and mouthed a sorry but I wasn't mad so I just waved and smiled at her

when they were out of vision range I made my way to the Butterfly mansion to see Kyojuro

when I got there Kamado and his sister were walking out of his room with his little sidekicks. when they turned they came face to face with me

"Ah! hello Uzui-san, here to see Rengoku-san?" asked Kamado

"MhM Mhm!!"

"yes, i'm here to see Kyojuro, how is he?" I questioned

"well he's still out and he looks less pale then when we first arrived"

I smiled at that

"Hey! fight me you giant!" yelled the one with the boar mask

"you really wanna fight me?"

"Yes you!" it shrieked in my face well not my face but my stomach

"Inosuke, you can't fight every Hashira you see!" yelled Kamado

"watch me!!"

I looked at Kamado and he sighed and put his head down. the yellow haired one just dragged the one they called inosuke away in the opposite direction

Kamado looked up and watched as the yellow haired one dragged him away, he turned back to me and sighed but soon shone a smile

"Sorry about him Uzui-san he's been asking people to fight him ever since Shinobu-san said he didn't have any serious injuries and he's really been getting on my nerve but i'm gonna go follow those two Zenitsu might actually try and kill him" he turned around and grabbed the sisters hand and ran but turned back around

"See you later Uzui-san!" he waved and so did the sister. they turned the corner and was soon no where in sight, I chuckled and went into Kyojuro's room

I smiled more when I saw Kyojuro, he was still wrapped in bandages but he looked better then when I first saw him yesterday.

I walked over to his bed and took a seat in the chair beside his bed, I grabbed his hand and stroked my thumb over his knuckles

"hey there Kyojuro, how are you doing" I got no response even though I was really expecting one but I have to keep in mind that he isn't waking up anytime between now and 5 minutes from now

I sat there talking to Kyojuro about all the stuff Mitsuri and I did and how I wished he was awake to have fun with us.

I continued to talk to him for about another hour, then I heard the door open and I turned to see Tomioka and Himejima

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