Chapter 11

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TW: May contain smut

After we cleaned up the mess I went on the bed and opened my phone. I wss laying down on my chest.


Su-hyeok saw Cheong-san laying down so he went over there and laid on top of him.

"Hey, watcha doin?"

"Just scrolling through instagram"

"Why are the photos all me?"

"Haha... No reason" Cheong-san laughs nervously

"Have you ever made out with someone?" Su-hyeok asks

"What type of question is that?!"

"Come on! Tell me."

"Fine. I have"

"How many times?"


"Wanna make that a two?"

"Sure." Cheong-san says as he turns around and faces Su-hyeok smirking.

"Lock the door" Cheong-san said

Su-hyeok got up and locked the door. He went back to Cheong-san after.

"Your so fucking cute." Su-hyeok says as he kisses Cheong-sans cheek

"And your so fuckin hot" Cheong-san replies as he smirks and kisses him. Su-hyeok pulled away from the kiss.

"Your really asking for it huh?"


"Alright then... Fine"

Su-hyeok kissed him. Su-hyeok went down to Cheong-sans neck.

"Not the-"

Su-hyeok kisses Cheong-sans neck causing Cheong-san to moan quietly.


Su-hyeok put his hand under Cheong-sans shirt and roams his hand around Cheong-sans chest and stomach.

"S-Suhyeok.." Cheong-san says as he puts his arms around Su-hyeoks neck

Su-hyeok went to Cheong-sans shoulder and bit it.

"Ah! That hurts!"


Su-hyeok puts his hand on Cheong-sans breast and grabs it.



Su-hyeok still has his hand under Cheong-san shirt while hes giving Cheong-san hickeys.


"Im older than you, right?"


"Why dont you call me Hyung?" Su-hyeok says while glaring at Cheong-san.

"Uh-.. I dont know." Cheong-san looks away

"Hah. Whatever" Su-hyeok laughs

Su-hyeok went back to making out with Cheong-san and eventually they both fell asleep and cuddled.

Cheong-san when Su-hyeok is in Lookism: 😩😳

SuHyeok x CheongSan | Non zombie apocalypse Where stories live. Discover now