Seraphina was never a religious person, perhaps no one was after the incident in Raccoon City, but she prayed heavily to the skies. She killed the no longer human man in self defense. So why had the guilt lingered? Maybe praying will make it go away.

Guilt threatened to eat and swallow her up.

Leon ran over when hearing the ruckus, glancing downwards in surprise when seeing the dead body on the floor. He took ahold of her shoulders, facing Seraphina directly.

"Hey, you alright? You don't look so good."

"I'm okay. I think the posters were true. They must know something about me here," Seraphina explained in fear. "That man was talking about something before I had to put him down. I don't know much to understand, but..."

"You think it's related?"


Leon went quiet for a brief moment. "You're gonna be just fine with me. I won't let anything happen and I'll try to get more details from Hunnigan. You can also ask Dean. I neutralized all the targets in this area as for now. It's good you know how to fend  for yourself."

Seraphina forced a tight lipped smile.

"I always have. Don't you remember?"

"Right." Leon looked away. His face appeared dark.


The pair searched up and down in the farm area, stocking up on supplies if needed and trying to avoid the ring of chickens walking around. Trying to find Ashley Graham in the middle of nowhere in a desolate place in Spain was trying to get a needle in a haystack. Absolutely fruitless.

Wind blew through the deteriorating wooden buildings, sending a song that sounded unsettling as it whistled. The whole structure of the place was very strange and out of the ordinary. It made them both wonder what was truly going on...

Reaching a large gate, they both pushed open and revealed a path going down. A path would be a loose word for it, as it was just bare dirt and the slight stickiness of the mud. Dean dialed in as she picked up her device to reveal a very exhausted looking Dean on the other side.

"Hey, I'm checking in. We're all meeting up at the church?"

"Yes. Are you gonna be okay, Dean?" Seraphina could see a large, rickety bridge overhanging above them. "You sure you aren't going to be in danger by yourself?"

"I'm okay, it's just these people are holding me back. I'm sure you guys know the situation, but these guys are...really aggressive. More than that, maybe? Sorry, Seraphina, it's gonna be a while before we meet again."

"It's fine. Take your time and don't get hurt. Leon has my back, so I'll be waiting."

"Right. I feel better knowing he is. See you!"

Leon folded his arms together. "What a peppy guy."

Seraphina rolled her eyes. This was going to be a long time before she would meet up with Dean again. Leon wasn't bad company, but having to deal with two extremely different in personality men in the same group was a bit troublesome.

Tying her hair up into a ponytail, it revealed a purple-red, veiny streak on her bare neck. Being unaware of this, Seraphina hadn't realized something appeared on her own body. Seeing the scar, Leon reached out in concern before retracting his hand quickly.

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