"Well, we still got plenty of probable cause. Bring him in," Voight ordered. We brought Santiago in, and while he confessed to knowing Clarke, he said he didn't know him. All he did was go to Clarke's house a few times a week to help him skimp on taxes. While that was going on, Jay and Hailey went to speak to Darlene and Candace, Clarke's daughters, but they didn't know anything either, so we were at another dead end. And then, of course, it was time for Agent North's interviews to start.

"Good afternoon, Detective L/n," North greeted as I walked into the conference room. "Or is it Halstead?"

"I kept my maiden name at work. But please, call me Y/n," I insist.

"All right, Y/n. I just want to know about the day you guys found Kim Burgess. More importantly, what events led up to that," North clarified.

"Right. Well, the team split up to search for Walton," I reveal. "Kim and I were holding anchor at one location, and before I know it, Kent Darby is knocking Kim out and shooting at me. Thankfully, I'm okay. One of the bullets hit the vest and another just grazed my shoulder. Anyways, Officer Ruzek and Detective Halstead found the vehicle, and I told them that Kim had been taken. Once that happened, we started an investigation into where Kent, Roy, and Kim could possibly be. Through good police work, we brought Kim home. But Roy, well, he was tricky. One minute we had him, and then we didn't."

"Now, here's the thing. I can recreate the movements for the whole team that night, but not you. I've been told by Officers Ruzek and Atwater that you were at the hospital when Kim was brought in, but then you disappeared. Officer Ruzek mentioned something about you trying to contact Sergeant Voight and Detective Upton," North brought up.

I nodded. "Yeah. Once we found Kim, I wanted to make sure Voight and Hailey knew everything, but neither of them answered my call so-"

"Y/n," Voight interrupted and poked his head into the conference room. "Sorry to interrupt, but we've got a break in the case."

"It's no problem," North told him and turned back to me "We'll talk more when you get a chance." I got out of my seat and left the room, Voight just ahead of me. I then grabbed a hold of his arm and pulled him back so that the two of us could talk for a moment.

"That didn't look good. You pulling me out like that," I say. "Do you not trust that I can keep my story straight?"

"We're trying to make a murder. That's all I was pulling you out for," Voight claimed. "Besides, it can't look bad if you're keeping steady in there. Are you?

"I am, but no thanks to you," I mutter and push past him to get to the bullpen. "What did you guys find?"

"Santiago's alibi checks out, but we got another hit. I found a camera on the block. This right here is minutes before the call. A thin, young, Hispanic, just like Harvey Clarke said," Adam recalled.

"And we found him on the sister's Snap and Instagram accounts," Kim added. "It's a clear match. His name is Rodrigo De León. He goes to Drake High. It looks like he's Candace's boyfriend."

"Scoop him up," Voight instructed.


"All right, Rodrigo, I'm just gonna get straight to the point. We know that you know Candance and Darlene Clarke. We also know that you were at their house yesterday, the same morning their father was murdered. Why don't you explain that to us," I request.

"Look, I wasn't supposed to be there. I've picked them up every morning ever since I got my license, but the night before, they called. They told me not to come, but I went anyway. I had to see Candace because I really like her. So I went and I knocked on the door, and they told me to go away. They told me not to come in," Rodrigo explained.

Partners in Crime; A Jay Halstead FanficWhere stories live. Discover now