32. The First Task

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The day of the first task was one that I was dreading most. It was certainly daunting, to think about facing a nearly impossible task without any instruction or clue as to what the fuck I was supposed to be doing. 

"Nervous?" Fred asked, quirking an eyebrow as he pulled his sweatshirt over his head. He, of course had nothing to worry about. Fred and the others would be watching safely from the stands. They weren't facing goddamn who knows what. 

"Hmm, you know me," I quipped lightly, trying to hide the panic in my voice. I pulled my boots on, wondering if I would regret the shoe choice. I mean, was it swimming? Was it running through fire? Was it facing Voldemort? Who the fuck knew? "I'm only as nervous as Harry was when he played his first quidditch game." 

"So...completely panicked and nearly dying," guessed Fred, taking my hand and gently lifting my chin so that my eyes were at his level. "Y/N, I'm sure it'll be okay." He seemed uncertain, which only made me more nervous. I appreciated the brave face he was putting on for my sake but it was too easy to see through. "They wouldn't do anything that would seriously endanger the students." 

"Three words: the fucking basilisk," I gritted my teeth, anxiously tapping my fingers on the side of my leg. Fred grabbed my hand to steady my hand. 

"Y/N, look at me," He gave me a calm expression, evenly looking into my eyes. "I know this wasn't your choice, but I believe in you, okay? I'll be there for you." 

We broke apart as Hermione came bursting into the dorms. I quickly sat down on my bed while Fred picked up a random book and starting casually reading it. 

Hermione gave us a suspicious expression, turning to me. "..Y/N, Cedric's in the hall. He's looking for you—something about the First Task." 

Fred gave an audible sigh. "What does Pretty Boy Diggory have to say this time?" 

Hermione rolled her eyes. "He didn't tell me, Fred, he just wanted to talk to Y/N." 

"Of course he did," Fred muttered, running a hand through his hair. 

"Also, the first task is starting soon, so you better—" She made a zippy motion with her hand. With a quick smirk, Hermione turned to Fred again. "Your book's upside down, did you know?" She winked at me before leaving the room. 

"Shit," Fred put the book down, a sheepish expression on his face. "You think she knows?" 

"I think she knows." 

I walked out into the hallway to find Cedric pacing quickly up and down. 

"Pensive thoughts?" I tipped my head to the side. 

"Y/N, thank Merlin," Cedric strode up to me, glancing around to see if anyone was looking. "The first task—" he took a gulp of air. "It's dragons. We've got to get past them." 

My eyes widened. So I wasn't so far off when I was thinking about walking through fire. "Shit..really?" 

"No, I'm lying," Cedric was obviously panicked. "Yes. Yes. Dragons. I'm sure of it." He lowered his voice. "Someone told me. Can't tell you who."

I breathed out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Great. That's just great. Dragons. Why couldn't it have been something that can't roast you? Why couldn't it have been like, chickens? I like chickens. Chickens are nice." 

"It doesn't work like that, Y/N."

No fucking shit. 

MISCHIEF MANAGED// FRED WEASLEY X READERWhere stories live. Discover now