The Escape?

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Mari and I sat on the floor? Well there was nothing really to sit on. We walked and walked... on and on. Mari pointed out and said "Shinji... listen... we're following our wrong sense" I was confused until
I heard it... and constant tone... a whirring.

"Let's close our eyes and follow it" Shinji said demandingly. We clasped each others hands and gripped tight. We listened and walked towards the sound... it didn't even seem to get closer.

Mari loosened her grip and said "Shinji..." I slowly opened my eyes... we saw a red figure walk through a door. Mari and I walked closer... it was a door that said exit on it. "Mari this could be a trap" Shinji said worryingly. "I know it could be, but look around what other options do we have." I looked at her in silence she did the same back. We sat there staring... for what felt a long while. We both silently nodded... we both walked through.

It was so bright...

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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