8: Abandoned Millenia

Start from the beginning

"You better make good on that deal." She sneers.

"Don't forget why we're here. I get that you're all excited, but keep your guard up at all times." Black Raisin Cookie says, annoyance evident in her voice.

The group begins making their way through the streets, and it was only as they were about halfway to the Hangar that (C/F) Cookie realized that Healer Cookie had never let go of their hand, but his hold was so gentle and familiar that they would've easily overlooked it.

"Wouldn't the Cookies have come back here?" He mumbles.

"The entire kingdom literally appeared in the sky only a short time ago," They remind him, "That isn't enough time for anyone to have come back. We're definitely the only ones here."

The healer frowns, then smiles a little, giving their hand a slight squeeze.

"Are... are you ok?" They ask him.

"Yes... I just... I–"

Their conversation is interrupted by the loud sound of tile cracking under Wizard Cookie's feet.

"I told you so... Tread lightly." Black Raisin Cookie frowns, "These tiles you admire so much are breaking away."

"Hmm... Upon closer inspection, it looks like these tiles were actually damaged by an external force, not by the passage of time. Perhaps they were damaged during the Dark Flour War..."

"Were none of you paying attention in the Pilgrim's Village?" (C/F) Cookie gasps, "Not that I'm blaming Black Raisin Cookie or Healer Cookie, but they did say that the entire Vanilla Kingdom disappeared following the war..."

"So maybe when it appeared in the sky it was exactly how it disappeared!" Strawberry Cookie gasps. "There hasn't been any Cookies to fix the roads!"

"We can't just leave them like this!" GingerBrave shakes his head, "Let's fix up the holes in the road."

While the five adventurers and Healer Cookie went to gather supplies around to fix the roads, (C/F) Cookie took the moment to speak to Black Raisin Cookie.

"This probably feels like such a waste of time to you..." They frown, "Sorry."

"It's not that big of a deal. We aren't being attacked at least." She says solemnly. "How do you know so much about this place?"

"I used to live here." They confess.

"Hmm..." She nods, but then looks over them more carefully.

"Admittedly," They continue, not really understanding her thought process, "I would've been more than happy to never see this place again."

"Really?" She gasps, "Why? Your companions seem to worship this place."

"..." They try to think of how best to explain. "It's more or less about a few things I've learned for myself while traveling with them. I'm too afraid to go into detail... but I worry that I may never be able to leave this place if I stay for long."

"..." She shares a look with her crow before voicing a question that had clearly been nagging at her gut, "Do you know why Healer Cookie seems so fond of you?"

"E-elaborate please?" They hope they didn't look as pale as they felt.

"He trusted you so blindly, he even went out to get you–almost like he knew you were coming! He's barely taken his eyes off you since we got here!" She explains, the crow on her arm taking flight due to the force of her exasperation. "And, when you've gone far enough ahead that we can't see you, he's had a rather strange expression."

"The nickname... the light... even this..." They list then gasp, "Oh crumbs, the two of them are the same Cookie aren't they!"
Putting two and two together has never been so terrifying!

Liar (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now