Rushing to her side, Chelsea took her hand, but the poor girl flinched despite knowing Chelsea meant her no harm. "The reason I ask, is because I was wondering if — well you would've been only eight years old, but do you remember the name Maisy Clemente?" slowly her eyes focused a bit more, until I could see that glassy gone gaze she was giving me melted away.

"Or maybe the name Marshall? Megan?" The two names of the children that had disappeared with their mother, "it would have been ten years ago, the boy and girl, would have been around your age as well?"

Not pushing I waited giving her time, Marshall... she continued repeating the name, her mind slowly forming a picture but not of a little boy, it was a little girl. "Megan?" she looked at me her eyes filled with uncertainty.

"Do you remember her?" I ask not wanting to give away the mind reading I was currently doing. Maria nods, "We were together, but — one day she just disappeared?" her memory clearly shows that one day the little girl she knew was just gone, but her reply is lathered in uncertainty. Confused by her tone only a little while longer, because when Maria remembers clearly being severely punished as was a few other little girls and mothers for the two missing individuals, the tone made sense.

Remy put a picture of Elder Caelum up on the screen, I ordered. When it's up, I turn to Maria again, "do you know who this is?"

My mind in her thoughts looking for a sign of recognition when it comes to Elder Caelum, she shakes her head from side to side slowly, "No, I — he was at the pack talking to Alpha — Alpha," her voice shakes and she can barely utter the name Monet.


Kieran POV

When I was in my wolf form as Nyx, on the mountain, my mind never strayed, it never went back to being in human form, it never went to places I couldn't stand. In wolf form, all the bad things that bothered me, hurt, that could drive me mad, were barely thought of. Now... right here, with Grant in front of me, a picture formed. Piece by terrifying piece, white coat, his face filled in, blue eyes, beard like my father, eyes like my father, lips, thin like Connors, hair brown, light, like Dominic. Shaking my head, rocking back and forth I couldn't dispel the memory.

"Kieran — Kieran who-" Grant's voice sounded muffled, away and in the distance when I knew in reality it was sitting across from me. Why did his voice sound so far? Why couldn't — why wouldn't the memory go away, "Who is in the white coat Kieran?" his voice is louder, but that same barrier, muffling his voice is there.

"I don't want to be here, I don't want to be here, I don't want to be here," I repeat over and over again, closing my eyes to pull away from the horror that I knew was coming. Closing my mind, like I used to do before, doesn't help, I don't succeed in pulling myself away from Dillon in the white coat. Bending forward, I fall from the bed, my body is on the ground, whiteness takes over, and I hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. Finally I pull my hands from my hair, and my tense muscles protesting, finally relaxes.




Grant POV

"Kieran?" I whispered his name, as I watched this young man go blank. His eyes emptier than I had ever witnessed on, anyone, and Kieran just uncurled from him self and then nothing.

Only a minute or two goes by, before the door to his room opens up, revealing a worried Chelsea, "What happened?" she questioned.

"He was telling me — he said that it didn't matter that he went outside that he was being watched, he said, "It — it wasn't because I went outside, he was going to take me anyways, he had been watching me," and then he just curled in on his self, rocking himself."

"The man — the one that was watching him, is Tony's brother. His brother works with the Elders in the research facility where Kieran was." Chelsea said monotone.

"He — he was — his uncle is the one he was referring to when he said that?" I had to swallow the rising bile. "Are you sure?"

She nodded not approaching Kieran, who hadn't as so much as blinked for the last five or so minutes, just staring out blankly. "His mind is — there is literally nothing going on right now Grant," she said worriedly. I couldn't look away from Kieran, "what's his mind like?" I asked taking a step in his direction.

"Don't — I — I don't want you to get hurt," she warned, "He wouldn't do it on purpose but — he might react violently, and well... you're human,"a small part of my mind registered that this was just one more reason why I wanted Chelsea to change me, my child was going to be in her world, how would I protect my child from the dangers of this world? Pushing those thoughts to the side, bringing Kieran to the front, I sat on the sofa.

"He's in some type of dissociative, catatonic state Chelsea," I had done this. Pushing him too far much too soon.

"No," she replied firmly, "Grant, I think it was just easier for Kieran to hide — forget just who was watching him, it was easier for him to deal when he saw all white coats as white coats. The minute he tried to put a face on his tormentor, one that was someone he trusted as a boy..." she tapered off.

"What do we do next?"

"We just have to let him come out of this on his own," I replied, my stomach curling, uneasy. I was beginning to think that what I thought had happened was only the top layer of Kieran's abuse. Silently Chelsea and I waited for him to come out of his apathy.


This a bit short, my mind is currently occupied. Anyways... Don't forget to check out "Scratch" if you haven't.

thanks all.

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