Chapter 7

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Deboras POV
I woke up to the sound of smashing and Steven yelling at the dog , I poked my head out of my bedroom and seen steven standing in the middle of my trashed living room as reggie was bouncing from couch to couch barking " don't ever ask me to watch this dog again" steven said storming into the kitchen. I quickly pulled on my dressing gown I walked out into the living room and seen the muddy paw prints and everywhere reggie was covered in mud still running in circles around the room, Steven walked back into the room with his jacket on
" what happened?" I asked picking up my couch pillows
" that dog happened " he said swinging my front door open and storming out.
" Steven" I called after him standing at my door I sighed as he just kept walking the building door slamming behind him. I sighed closing my eyes for a moment,
"Dreaming about me" my eyes shot open at the sound of Rogers voice and a small blush creeped on to my face, " always " I said sarcastically rolling my eyes smiling at him. A crash came from my flat as Roger walked over
" needing a hand "he asked standing in front of me, I just pulled my door open wider inviting him in.
" what happened here" he asked,
" honestly I have no idea." I said sighing and flopping down on the one little part of my couch that wasn't dirty. Roger rolled up his sleeves and put the dog into the kitchen with a bone and came back threw to my living room,
" come on love I'll help you clean this mess up" roger said as he walked over to my records going threw them " wait here " he said walking out of my  flat and returning a couple minutes later with one of his own records " I hope you like Hendrix " he says placing the record on the record player, as all alone the watchtower started to play, I started picking things up off the floor and Roger started to help.

A few hours later the record player was still blasting while I put my couch covers out on the balcony to try I walked back in to Roger standing with my hair brush using it a a mic singing into it.
" oh my god " I said placing my hand over my mouth laugh at roger, my laughing only encouraged him and he tossed the brush on to the couch and came over to me taking my arms and spines me around still singing and dancing with me, the song ended and we both laughing sitting down on the couch ,
" so what did you think then " roger said still chuckling " oh definitely 10/10 absolutely dashing moves " I joked back with him , " i suppose I better clean the dog"  I went into the kitchen and surprisingly it was fine just a few paw prints on the floor, I took reggie into the bathroom and switched the shower on, "Roger, do you mind helping me lift the dog in " I shouted threw, I had no idea what kind of breed he was but he was very big for a puppy had long legs and very big paws and he just keeps growing he was up to my mid thigh already he was huge, Roger walked into the bathroom and picked up reggie and placing him in the tub, " god he's quite heavy, what kind is he " roger asked as we both struggled to keep him in the water,
" honestly I have no idea, he just keeps getting bigger " I said to Roger as I used the shower head trying to get all the dirt of him while reggie protested making water go everywhere all over me and roger, " he kind of looks like a I mean I dunno like a Great Dane or something " roger said holding his collar as I tried my best to clean his long legs " I think you could be right " I said I switched the shower off and reggie jumped out the bath shaking soaking me and roger again, I let out a small shreek as I picked up a towel trying to shield myself from all the water as reggie ran into the living room, drying him was not fun at all he had me and roger chasing him all over the flat trying to throw towels over him, I think we chased him about that long he had eventually dried off me and roger soaked to the bone still sat down on the sofa exhausted, it was about 4pm we had spent the whole day cleaning my flat because of the dog I looked over at roger who had his shirt unbuttoned and leaned his head back on the couch with his eyes closed,
" I'm starving" I said throwing my head back again " yeah me to" he said not moving or opening his eyes
" Im to tired to cook anything" I said bringing my head back up to look over at roger who done the same to me
" how about a take out?" I said bringing my legs up onto the couch
"Sounds good to me" said standing up and walking over to the phone " what would you like" he said
" anything I don't care I'm so hungry " I told Roger as my stomach began to rumble
" I know a great place " roger said  dialling a number
I closed my eyes resting my head back
" that's great thanks" I head roger say putting the phone down and grabbing his coat " just going to leave to get it " roger said picking up his car keys
" that's fine I stood up walking over to my purse and took out some money " here take this to pay " I told him and he just laughed and shook his head " it's fine debora I'll get it " before I had time to protest he walked out closing the door behind him, well I guess I had no choice I went over to the kitchen and started sorting plates,

About 30 minutes later Roger was back with the food  and I had set the table " it's nothing fancy but I do believe it's the best takeaway in London" roger said placing it on the table.
" you went to the best take out just for me, what is this a date mr Taylor " I joked as I handed Roger a beer " if it was a date I say it's a pretty good first one " roger winked at me, I blushed slightly and we started eating our food.

" well I have to admit that was probably the best take out Iv ever had, in London anyway" I said as a matter of factly.
" yeah I remember your fair saying you moved out here alone " roger said as we moved from the kitchen to the living room on to the couch I put the tv on as background noise,
" yeah well that's kind of true, I'm actually Scottish my dad is Scottish, I was born in Scotland just outside of Edinburgh but my mum and dad moved down Yorkshire, for my mums sister but a few years ago my aunt moved so my parents decided they were moving back up to the farm in Scotland, I didn't want to move back so here I am " I told Roger turning back to the tv,
" so steven then?" Roger questioned " he is definitely Scottish " roger said laughing mocking his accent
" yeah he is his parents would come down to Yorkshire and visit mine quite often and my parents would go up to Scotland to visit them just took turns really, Iv know him for as long as I could remember, once he found out I was moving to London to go to uni he followed my dad thought it was a great idea because , you know Steven to protect me " I said laughing rolling my eyes roger just laughed
" yeah I get that Steven to protect you from guys like me " roger said still laughing I shook my head " exactly guys like you" I joked back, Roger still laughing took a drink of his beer we sat in silence but it was awkward it was nice comfortable silence, my eyes were heavy before I new it I was asleep on the couch.

I was born to love you, roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now