At the mention of Baji name and him saving you the others faces eased up a little but it was still hard as they became more and more angered hearing the way the Valhalla men treated you.

"Once Baji was done helping me I managed to get out of the ropes and I went to see what was happening. At that time I managed to make it to the fight but it was a little to late... when I got to the main fight I saw Kazutora... right as he... stabbed Baji" you slowed down your words not really sure how people would react to hearing everything that's already happened. It hurt to mention it and you looked down before continuing to speak.

"After that I had just stayed in cover until Chifuyu had found me and brought me to Draken... I think we all can remember the rest."You stopped and stayed looking down messing with the end of the hospital blanket.

The room was filled with silence as you stopped telling them the story. At second later the sound of a sigh caught everyone's attention. It was Draken.

"Well there's not much we can do now. We've already defeated Valhalla and Kazutora is back in juvie." Draken said. "Did anything else happen?" He asked.

Stoping to think you need up just shaking you head. If something else happened it was when you where knocked out.

"I'll call a nurse in then so we can leave" Draken said before standing up and exiting the room leaving you alone with the rest of the boys.

While Draken was gone Chifuyu and Takemichi started to have a conversation about something while you and Mitsuya started to talk. Mikey just sat quietly watching you. He wasn't sure why he was but he didn't stop.

He was so focused on you he didn't hear Mitsuya or you call for his name. Once he snapped out of it he turned to his light haired friend and just looked at him.

"You good?" Mitsuya asked looking at his friend. It took a second before Mikey could answer.

"Oh- I..." he wasn't sure what to say to Mitsuya. He wasn't even sure what he was doing.

"You got a staring problem?" You spoke up. You weren't sure why but him looking in your direction made you a little bit mad yet you for some reason wanted it to happen more?

Mikey looked at you as you asked that and felt a flush of heat creep up on him out of embarrassment. He was looking right at you but he didn't realize that you had known he was watching you.

"No! I was just looking at the fruit bowl!" He quickly covered as his voice raised a little. It was kinda funny that he had been caught in your opinion and seeing him get so flustered was kinda cute.

"Sure, sure. If you want the rest just ask" you said before turning back to Mitsuya.

"I do! Give it to me" he quickly ordered before you could even continue to talk with the boy beside your bed.

You huffed and turned to grab the bowl from the bedside table. As you went to hand it to Mikey your hand accidentally touched him but only for a split second cause Mikey had gripped the dish like a mad-man and pulled it to him.

Letting out a huff you turned back to Mitsuya and completely ignored Mikey. You weren't sure why he was watching you so hard but it was better that the two of you going back in forth, throwing insults at each other.

Love Hate Things | Mikey x Fem!ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz