Chapter 2

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As soon as those words left my mouth everyone cheered but was just as quickly sent scrambling to pack when Thor over everyone's ecstatic cheers said, "We leave in half an hour!" Flipping backwards over the arm of the couch, I sprinted for my room and yanked a duffel bag out of the top of my closet and packed for all sorts of weather. Four sweaters (red, black, white and grey) four pairs of jeans (all of them black) two gorgeous evening dresses (one red and very modest the other very black and very not modest) a pair of sneakers and a pair of black boots.

Sprinting to my bathroom I tossed my razor (seriously not staying in Asgard without shaving my legs) shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant all into the duffel bag over my shoulder just as Thor yelled, "Five minutes!" and I zipped up the duffel bag and slung the strap over my shoulder and was just walking through the door to the common room with Nat behind me when a beautiful golden light appeared out on the balcony stopping everyone in their tracks. "You mean...we get to go in that?" I asked weakly. Thor laughed his deep, booming laugh and escorted us all out onto the balcony.

"Now everyone grab each others hands." I immediately grabbed Nat's hand but was left with one empty hand and Thor looked over at me and said "Grab onto me." Blushing just as red as my sister's hair I grabbed onto his bulging bicep as the rest of the Avengers catcalled and wolf whistled and Thor shook his head laughing again. "Are you all ready?" He asked as we finally calmed down and we all meekly nodded. Grinning at us he took one final look at us and said, "I suggest you keep your eyes closed. At least for this part."

He took two steps back causing me to take four steps forward and suddenly we were flying upwards. I immediately slammed my eyes shut until the sensation stopped and Thor said, "You may open your eyes once more, my friends." Opening my eyes very slowly at first in order to let them adjust to the light I gasped once I saw where we had come out at. We were all standing inside a beautiful circular golden room that had doorways leading off in all directions. "'s beautiful!" Nat said almost reading my mind.

He laughed loudly again and said, "Just wait until you see the palace!" I looked up at him almost weak kneed and said, "You mean this ISN'T the palace?" A laugh deeper than even Thor's sounded from behind us and I turned to see a rather tall mocha skinned man with the most gorgeous golden eyes and armor that I've ever seen standing staring straight ahead with both hands on the hilt of a beautiful sword. "This, my dear friends, is Heimdall." Thor said as he smiled.

After introducing ourselves and Heimdall speaking to each of us in turn we made our way outside and I almost hit my knees sobbing. We were on a bridge that look like it was made of diamond that all colors of the rainbow were shimmering through. "You are standing on the Bifrost. The bridge between worlds." Thor said as he watched us all. Kneeling down, I brushed my fingertips over the surface as the rainbow light shimmered through it once again and was rewarded with a pleasant tingling sensation all over my body that made me giggle.

"Come on pretty girl." Steve said in a tone of voice that said he knew if given the chance I'd stay on the bridge the entire time as he hauled me to my feet. Giggling again I nodded and began to follow the rest of them wishing that I had about eight more pairs of eyes but not actually saying anything out loud because I knew there was one here that could and would make it happen simply because he would find it amusing. Once we got to the edge of the city Thor procured horses for all of us and we rode the rest of the way to the palace. I kept turning my head this way and that and smiled as a few Asgardians called out to us.

Finally, we made it to the steps of the palace and I thought my eyes were going to pop right out of my head. "Welcome to my humble abode." Thor said almost shyly as we dismounted the horses giving them scratches and pats and began our ascent up the stairs. "Humble? Thor this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life!" I said running to catch up to him. He smiled bashfully and murmured thank you as we reached the top of the steps and were greeted by none other than Odin, Frigga, Sif and the Heroes 3. "My dears, welcome to Asgard! I do so hope you enjoy your stay here!" Freya said taking time to hug each of us after she greeted us.

"So these are Midgard's finest heroes? I am pleased to meet you all." Odin said shaking hands with the men and bowing before the ladies. "Good to see that there are female warriors in every realm." Sif said as she ran to embrace Nat, Wanda and myself and then turned and shook hands with the guys. The Heroes 3 simply nodded at us and smiled and we all smiled and nodded back as the doors in front of us opened to reveal the palace of Asgard.

"Whoa." We all said collectively gasping. We all walked in each of us looking in different directions and I could hear Thor and Odin chuckling behind us at our reactions. "Come ladies. I'll show you your rooms and then I'll show you where I do my battle training." Sif said excitedly. All the female Migardians followed her laughing as we ran through the golden halls to our rooms and put our stuff away and changed into fighting gear. I was the last one to get everything put up and changed into my fighting gear and was running to catch up to the others when I had the misfortune to trip and braced myself for the pain and embarrassment of the fall but then opened my eyes when neither came.

"Be careful, my ravishing Migardian." I heard a deep quiet voice say in my ear from behind me. I opened my eyes and looked down and found a pair of black leather clad arms wrapped around me keeping me from falling and I twisted around to see who they belonged to only to find myself staring into a pair of the most breathtaking blue eyes that I'd ever seen in my life. "Loki." I breathed. "Indeed. And you are?" "Daciana. And I'm also late for practice with Sif." I said quietly biting my lip as I untangled myself from the mischievous godling who had a smirk plastered across his face.

"I better go with you, my lady, in case you fall again. Or worse." He added in a husky whisper as he leaned down and brushed a crimson curl out of my face. "I...uhnn." I whimpered as I bit my lip as his fingertips brushed my temple. "If you're quite done tempting and teasing her I'd like to have my sister back please and thank you." A cold voice said from behind me and a heat ran through me as I realized that Nat had come looking for me. "Until next time, m'lady." Loki murmured as he kissed my knuckles and turned and walked away from me leaving me flushed with Nat.

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