Momma we almost died, i was in a
Coma and didn't wake up until after
I was 3 ...


Shaking my head and exiting out our messages not caring what she was about to say next I put my headphones in.

Even though I got Mikey back I feel alone at times even if I'm not alone. I just feel that no one will truly understand how I feel.

Talking about that situation was a sensitive topic.

When my momma told her parents she was pregnant they told her it was them or the baby and if she chose the baby she had to pack her stuff and leave. So she did.


When she left they took everything... they turned off her cards. And the only thing they left was her car but only because she was a high school graduate

And when she left she didn't know where to go nor what to do. She didn't wanna be a burden on anyone so she went and tried to get it on her own.

She went from job to job and living in the car but she was sexually harassed but she when she spoke up she got fired and told she was lying.

Every paycheck she saved half and with the rest bought food and baby stuff.

She was budgeting herself..

She learned that South Carolina wasn't getting her anywhere soo she traded in her car and drove to San Diego California by then she was 7 going on 8 months pregnant. It was December 31st

She knew that her time for having her baby was ticking and she didn't know what to do.

Once she arrived to San Diego she went straight to a homeless shelter when she hit there it was more men then there were women.

It didn't sit right for her but it was cold outside and she was destined to do something to keep her warm.

Within a month later she was kicked out. She was kicked out because she was doing what was right. A man was caught laying in her bed wile she was asleep. And his buddy was steeling her stuff

She fought and fought. Even got pushed on the ground and punched in her stomach. But yet she was the one who got put out.

That night she slept in her car and the next day she left and tried to find another place and everyone didn't want to except her.. they said she was to far into her pregnancy.

Asyja didn't have it easy at all she had it the worst out of all her siblings.

It was about time to have her baby. She was working a shift at a diner night shift actually and her water broke in front of a family. She was very embarrassed about it.

The family was more so mad that they had a pregnant woman working on the clock like this knowing she should've been on maternity leave.

The family hurried and called the ambulance and sent her off to the hospital and made sure to follow them.. they were interested to know her life story....

In the delivery room. She pushed and pushed until her baby girl was out.

But there were no cry's no nothing. The young mother was scared she continued to cry. She didn't know where her life was going to end up she didn't know what she was gonna do. The motivation of her baby was the only thing that kept her going the only thing that kept her Sane.

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