Lets go to the French Quarters

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Pic of Rex——————->



    "Ray be quite," Billy stepped out of the shadows into the moonlight that came through my window. "W-What.....why are you walking around in my room?"

Billy moved over to the side of my bed and sat down on the edge,"I heard you talking so I came down to see what was going on and then you," He through his hands in the air, "Jumped up and started screaming at me like a banshee." I suddenly felt a little self-conscious. I wondered what I was saying in my sleep, but knowing me it was probably something embarrassing like me talking about my Ex-boyfriend. "Uh, Billy did you hear what I was talking about?" I asked nervously. Billy's forehead creased as he thought about it, "No, but shit that scream was loud enough to wake the dead and the neighbors." he said as he made his way to the door.

I layed back in bed and closed my eyes trying to go back to sleep when a thought popped in my head. They don't have neighbors.

It was a cool sunny morning when Billy came to the kitchen to talk to me. I was sitting down at the dinner table eating cereal alone because Aunt Sally had left for work early and so had Uncle Bill so I had to make my own breakfast and since I'm not the best cook, cereal was the safe choice. I heard the chair in front of me move as Billy pulled it out to sit down. I looked up at him as he pulled my bowl of cereal and spoon away from me and started to eat it. "Yeah, Billy you can eat my cereal it wasn't like I was just eating it," I said sarcastically. Billy just nodded his head then he drank all the milk that was left in the bowl. He wiped his mouth," Ray you wanna take a little tour around  the city today?"

"Yeah." I was happy to take this little tour and really see this beautiful old city. "My friends well be here in about ten minutes then we can go," he said.

I quickly ran up the stairs to find something to wear. After throwing all my clothes on the floor, I finally settled for my dark blue American Eagle graphic tee and cargo shorts. I checked out how I looked in the mirror and I don't want to sound conceited, but I looked super hot.

"Ray you ready to go!" Billy called up to me. "I'm coming!" I yelled back. I grabbed my old Olympus camera and made my way downstairs. Billy was sitting in the living room with his two friends laughing and talking. One of them was a beautiful African American girl with long black hair and stunning light brown eyes that seemed to glow. Billy's other friend was a super hot guy. He was tall and very muscular I  could see his abs through the tight shirt I also loved his light blue eyes and long eyelashes. The girl looked up at me and smiled, "Hey Ray." She hopped up from the couch and ran over to me and gave me a big hug. "It's nice to meet you," she let go of me,"I'm Magnolia and I'm also your cousin's girlfriend."

Billy didn't tell me he had a girlfriend. "Ray don't listen to her she's my ex," Billy said. Magnolia looked at Billy with a fake hurt expression, "If I not your girlfriend why do you call me every night before you go to sleep."

Billy's other friend, the hot one, stood up and walked over to me with his hand outstretched, "I'm Nathen." I shook his hand his hand was very firm like a football player's hand. I think Billy did tell me about him having a friend that played football at his college at LSU so I guess he's the one.

"Y'all let's get in the truck because I'm ready to go to the Cafe Du Monde and get's some benyas." Nathen said. "Me too," Billy agreed,"let's go."

I was the first one out the door. My mind racing thinking about all thing I wound see in the french quarters. I guess I wasn't really looking where I was going when slammed into something hard. I stumbled back almost falling when someone's strong arms wrapped around me pulling me upright to his chest. "Think you so.........much." I looked up into Rex's warm dark eyes. A small smile appeared on his handsome face, "It's no problem, Ray."  We just looked into each others eyes for what felt like forever. Magnolia cleared her throat and Rex reluctantly pulled his arms slowly away from me. I saw it in his eyes that he wanted to keep holding me. Rex laughed nervously and said to me, "So where you off to so fast lil Ray." His deep cajun accent seems to always make my heart beat faster.

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