Chapter 25: 🍺🍷The Izayaka🍷🍺

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Krou: "We'll be heading toward a village where young children have been reported to go missing every night. The villages say that they disappear, leaving a few strands of web. We should get there just before nightfall- the perfect time to catch a demon at work."

Kaitsuki: Web? Oh no. "Cool."

It took all of their energy to carry themselves all the way to the village. Kaitsuki walked and walked and walked, he couldn't even feel his legs anymore! Krou was so tired of continuously flapping his wings, he had to rest on Kaitsuki's shoulder several times. It wouldn't have been surprising if Kaitsuki's feet were bleeding.

But even with all those painful ass steps, they made it. Kaitsuki walked through the shrine gate which marked the entrance of the village. The moment he stepped foot in there, he could many people walking around, selling goods, eating, pulling rickshaws around the village.

Kaitsuki: "I thought you said that it was a village we were going to?"

Krou: "I did. This is the village we were suppose to go to."

Kaitsuki: "This looks more like a city to me."

Krou: "True."

Kaitsuki: "I'll hide my sword behind my back for now. Don't want these people suspecting us."

Kaitsuki took out a piece of cloth and a few strings of rope. He wrapped the katana with the cloth and tied it with the rope, and even made a sling for him and rest it in his shoulder and against his waist.

Kaitsuki: "Hm... it's only a few ours before dusk. Let's go have some quick dinner. I'm dying to eat and rest my legs so badly."

Krou: "Agreed."

At the corner of their eyes, they spotted a small stall that had five bar stools, four of which were occupied. They immediately made a mad dash for the last seat. They made it of course, while also making themselves look like stupid and weird fools in the eyes of the villagers.

Kaitsuki ordered a bowl of rice and beef strips, and salmon sushi for Krou. It was to no surprise that the both of them gobbled down their meal in less than a minute.

They exited the food stall after finishing their third serving of food. However, they made sure not go for a forth otherwise who knows what would happen when fighting with a full stomach. As they were walking along the village center, they heard a voice coming from somewhere nearby.

"There you are! I've been looking for you two."

The two turned their to where the shout had came from, and saw an awful familiar face. A young girl with pink and dark blue hair was walking towards them. She was wearing a black and white button colored cheongsam shirt along with the demon's slayer corps black skirt. Kaitsuki realised that she had hid her katana the sam easy as him.

Kaitsuki: "Shizuoka?"

Shizuoka: "Yes, that's me. So, how should we start the mission?"

Kaitsuki: "Mission? Em... I'm currently on a mission too."

Shizuoka: "Yes, you and I are on a mission together."

Kaitsuki: "We are?  B-

Krou: "You two are taking on this mission together. Didn't I say that earlier?"

Kaitsuki: "No, you didn't. Not even the slightest hint that we were."

Krou: "Really? Then I apologize. But now that you know, let's start now shall we?"

Shizuoka: "The sun is already down. The demon should be making its move soon. But where should we start off first?"

Kaitsuki: "There's a small izayaka (Japanese tavern) down the road. It's the perfect place to overhear gossips, and the bartender should know a whole lot about it."

Crossed Katanas (KNY)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें