Chapter 4 heart broke

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After Mikey and I went on our date at chipotle I kinda thought we had a connection. But I thought wrong. We stopped talking for about a month and Mikey started going out with this girl named Jade. No wonder she was mugging me when I used to hang out with Mikey . I remember when we were at chipotle then he started acting wired when she walked in . Anyways I always see Jade and Mikey holding hands I'n the hallways. It breaks my heart seeing them together but I can't do anything about it. After school I decided to snapchat Mikey. I was sitting on my couch when I heard someone knock on the door. I opened it. It was Mikey's mom. I said "hello ms.Susanne,come on in.". She said "oh no thank you, I just came to drop of this invitation to Farah's birthday party, (Farah is Mikey's cousin) and I know how you and Mikey are really good friends." Oh thank you" I told her "are you sure you don't want to come In ?". "Yea I'm sure, I have lots more invitations I've got to give out but thank you anyways" she said. "Oh ok" I yelled "bye ms.Susanne" as she got into get car. She smiled and waved. I totally forgot about Mikey until my mom brought him up during dinner. She asked "So how are stuff with you and Mikey?". I dropped my fork and stopped eating. I turned to look at her. My dad said "I'm guessing it's not going so well" I said "nooo? Really?" I stood up put my plate in the sink and went up stairs to my room. I got my phone and went through twitter really fast. I saw Mikey's tweet. It said "I love you Jade❤️". My heart started pounding really fast. I turned my phone off and decided not to keep reading Jade's response to Mikey. I couldn't keep it in so I bursted into tears.

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