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Third Person POV

Alarms rang throughout the prison, and Sam's head launched from its place resting on the table. His eyes widened as he checked the cameras. 

Sam ran towards the exit, throwing down levers and pressing buttons on his way. Defense mechanisms began locking into place. He flailed for his communicator and called the first person he could think of.


The woman in question quickly picked up. 

"Sam? What's up? Why aren't you-"

"Dream's out," 

Sam said breathlessly, not stopping for a single moment.

 "He broke out."

"He- he WHAT?"

"Meet me at the prison entrance. And hurry." 

Puffy wasted no time in strapping her axe to her hip, frantically questioning Sam as she ran out the door. 

"How did he get out? Where is he? What are you doing?"

"I don't know what happened. I got alarmed a few minutes ago, Dream can't be far. Ant and Bad should be on their way. They get notified if anything important happens."

 Sam came to a halt at the nether portal. His eyes darted to the ground, where obsidian shards were strewn across the floor.

 He picked the majority of them up and slipped them into his bag. Evidence.Upon exiting the final nether portal, Sam nearly tumbled onto the ground from sheer speed. 

He scanned the area – nothing to be found, aside from the rolling waves of the nearby ocean. Though that was soon interrupted by a demon, a walking cat, and a normal woman.


Puffy yelled, axe already unsheathed, hair mussed up from the heavy January winds. Bad was next to speak. 

"Did you find Dream?" 

Sam shook his head, still heaving in air, and Ant let out a long sigh before he spoke. 

"We need to get him back – wanted posters, search parties, something, I don't know. He's too dangerous."

"He might be armed," Sam said. "We don't know if he had assistance. Someone could be coming here to kill us for all we know."

"Then we have to get going quickly," Ant insisted. 

Puffy's eyes shot up. "We have to protect Tommy. Dream's going to go after him." 

"I'll find the others."

 Ant's icy blue eyes narrowed. "We'll search through the night if that's what it takes."

 Bad nodded, shifting his sleeves.

 "I can help. Sam...?" 

Sam looked up.

"I... I'm going to check the prison and make sure Dream isn't hiding in there."

 He cleared his throat. "I need some time to think." 

Puffy glanced at him worriedly, but shrugged it off. 

"Are we all good? I'm going to look for Tommy." 

The three men muttered "yes"'s and "yup"'s, and Puffy exhaled softly before taking out an ender pearl and teleporting away.

Ant and Bad quickly followed suit, leaving Sam to run back into the prison. Other than the wind rustling through the grassy land, silence filled the area.

For just a minute. 

Mounds of dirt were thrown to the side, a scarred hand rising from under the surface. Sunlight shone down on the person that the hand belonged to for the first time in weeks.

Dream spat out a pile of dirt and rock, eyes blown wide.

I'm finally free.

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