Late Valentimes day special ❤️

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Soo?, anyone special takemichi?
Yes actually, How bout you Makoto?
"sigh" sadly no one.. but everyone's missing out you know? "oh really?.. haha I see.."
"But anyways you guys doing something later?"

Well.. I did ask her on a date!, We're going to a few places for valentimes day. but especially, I bought a few things for her as well

Ah I see, have fun then i'll see you later.
Thanks Makoto, Also don't give up on finding someone for valentimes day! It's not too late you know!
Yea Yea I know!

Quite nervous about this date.. I hope hina will be happy!

{Third Person} *Time skip*

Takemichi was happily sitting in the cafeteria enjoying his lunch with his friends ( mizo mid )
Everything was going was well and peaceful, they talked about topics that they usually talk about. comics, school etc but after a while the cafeteria went dead silent. At first they didn't notice, until
they heard themselves talking in every echo.
Turns out someone had entered the cafeteria
Suprisingly it wasn't mikey but instead his fellow member

Ne Takemichi,
Yea Akkun?
Isn't that the 1st division vice captain of Toman?
Wait huh?
Great, It looks like he's coming toward us.
I'm sure it's nothing serious right? We did nothing wrong! Unless.. their looking for takemichi?
Maybe they are..

A love letter?

It sounds confusing but right now in everyone's eyes Matsuno Chifuyu is handing Takemichi a love letter?Another then that his hand is covering his embarrassed face, could this mean something?

Oh wow!, Chifuyu i didn't know you would feel this wa-
No! It's not from me.. it's from Mikey.
Oh that makes a lot of sense now does it..
He wanted me to give it to you specific timing, but I don't like how this is going.
Haha.. I'm Sorry for the news but i'm sure this is getting popular..

Anyway! He told me you need to read this letter as soon as possible
I will be going, before a crowd starts forming
Ah!.. Thank you Chifuyu!
No problem..

No offense but he looks like an idiot trying to hide himself under his jacket.

Oh Right! Takemichi! What have you done to even get this treatment?!, He's confessing his love to you!!
immediately reject him! I accepted the fact your dating hinata! You already have her! If you accept him!.. you have betrayed us..

You guys.. your not even sure if it is a love letter..
How could it not be a love letter?! It's Valentimes day Takemichi?! How could you be so naive?!

Takemichi.. Let me at least hug you for the last time..
Eh?! Takuya? Why?!
There's no way he's gonna let anyone else touch you if he confesses his love you.. specially if you accept..
Not you too takuya..
Hah.. Oi! You idiots! Stop being dramatic Takemichi hasn't even read the letter yet!

Cry when it is confirmed as a love letter, but it's not confirmed yet!
Thanks Akkun..
No worries just saying the truth.
"Sniff Sniff" I was not being dramatic! Right Makoto?!
You were crying?, for me i wasn't at all
Liar! You were making takemichi feel guilty!

Haha.. Sorry bout that takemichi..
it's fine takuya!
i'll open it now..

Takemichi, Meet me at Musashi Shrine
Around 2 pm at evening
I have something to tell you.
Please dress up since were going somewhere
- Mikey ❤️

He could've just texted you.
But if he is, why at a shrine? Isnt that the place where they hold meetings?

Yup that's definitely the place.. but knowing mikey-kun he would definitely confess somewhere he's comfortable and relaxed at. But It may be something more important? And not an confession?

But what if it is a confession.
I- Would you accept?
"4 of them stare at takemichi intensely, Obviously taking this situation seriously"
I-I Don't know..
If you need us just tell us alright?
Yeah I will, thanks you guys.

{ Third Person }

It was finally dismissal time, Takemichi who went home early just to catch up his date with hina.
He also got advice from his friends on the way home
Telling him on how to run from the confession Though Takemichi didn't want to be rude it may be important. Takemichi immediately hopped in the shower He only had 1 hour to get ready! though he make sures he washes his hair and body throughly, with his scented shampoo and body wash Since Hygiene is key.
After getting ready, takemichi's outfit was a plain white t shirt with jeans and lastly a hat, it was a sunny day today

Hah.. I better get going!
"I head to the bus stop as usual, sitting patiently while waiting for the bus. A few minutes later the bus had arrived I get in and take my seat"
I wonder what Mikey-kun has to say.. Wait.. what time is it? "I look at my watch. it clearly said"
2:13 pm Oh Gosh! I forgot! I'm not able to meet up with mikey-kun! I can't even text him.. I didn't bring my phone I thought i didn't need it..

Ah.. here's my stop!
I'm sorry Mikey-kun i won't be able to come.. i'll make sure to do something in return!

Are you sure you told him to read the letter right away?
Yes I'm sure i did.
Ha.. Let's hope he comes Mikey seems serious about this, if not who knows what he does
Takemichi is takemichi of course he'll come.
Wait, What was written in the letter anyway?

Are you kidding?, It's a love letter but just a little different and what i mean't by that is..
Mikey confesses to Takemichi.
Ah I see.
Hm~ You seem disapointed about it Draken..
What is it to you Baji?
Nothing really just sayin, but you did expose yourself~
What are you doing here anyway?
Was bored so Just hanging around
Anyways, Chifuyu what time is it?
Ah! It's.. 2:45 pm

[ a few minutes later ]
Maybe he's in traffic?
Maybe he is.
Wait where's mikey n-?

Where's Takemichi.
He hasn't been answering my calls nor my text, what happened.
Yup, That's a sign i'm gettin out of here, Now if you excuse m-
Maybe he's with someone else Mikey.
Eh? Baji-san what are you talking abou-
oh.. right he has a girlfriend.. "chifuyu silently says"

Someone else?
Alright, i'll admit something. I overheard from that pink haired guy with glasses earlier
That his friend is getting confessed by you. But sadly he has a date with his girlfriend.
Baji-san! You said it!
I know.
Wait, how'd you hear that baji?
I just walked passed them in coincidence, though takemichi wasn't there not my fault they talked so loud.

Alright then, i'll just head to his house later.

"Sigh" He's walking away? Just like that?
Nah he's definitely planning to do something
Your right about that draken.
You think takemichi is gonna be alright?
I mean, if we come with him but there's a chance he's not letting us come

May as well just wish him good luck then.
Yeah right good luck to takemichi.
I'm sure he'll be alright. mikey wouldn't do such a thing to takemichi.

| Greetings, everyone! This is just a late special chapter but i'll let you guys think if this actually happened in the actual story. There will be part 2!
Chapter 19 will also be coming Thank you! hope you enjoyed 🍹|

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