Chp - 1

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" No no and no I'm not marrying some good for nothing bastard no in a zillion years no..." I screamed at uncle Chris's face and aunty Sophie flinched a little. 

" Ah querida don't make hard than it already is" Megan said in her light spanish accent her eyes gleaming with tears.

I bursted out crying , sobbing " I want to be alone " I demanded in a shaky but stable voice and they all exited.

" I'm sure you'll feel alright hon" Uncle Chris said and closed the door behind him and I sat on my floral coloured couch in my fragile state letting all my anger , frustration , saddness , and many many more emotions out crying bitterly.

~~~2 days later~~~

I woke up and made my way towards my bagno ( bathroom ).  Letting out a deep sigh and closed my eyes looking at the mirror and someone rang my suite bell " Come in " I yelled in my tired voice.

Mary and her younger sister Suzzane came in and greeted me " Good morning your highness" . 

" I told you not to call me that I'm just a pretty piece of property for other people huh I'm useless you know about to marry a snotty bastard I don't know if he has someone who pleasures him or stuff..." I continued my ranting after brushing my teeth and Suzzane started making a face pack or something as Mary groomed my hair " What if he is rude? what if he sells me to some mafia or anything can happen he could even be a middle aged man who has no teeth??" I said and Suzzane started laughing "your imaginations are really on fire today" she said between the laughs "Suze shut it" Mary whisper screamed and I burst laughing they both joined in soon.

So I know you guys don't know me or my life well let me introduce myself ( clears throat ) I'm Princess Natalia Lynn Villan of Lactix Country and almost no one knows about my country its not even on the world map so don't bother on looking it up on google you won't find anything. So I turn 18 on the 8th of march this year which is 2 weeks away huh time goes by. I would have been getting ready for my coronation but my own people are my enemies as it may seem. Everything was going smooth until 2 days back when I was in a meeting with all of the nobles , appointants and leaders.

~~~~2 days back(meeting)~~~~

" So what about the water suppliment problem in rural region " I said in a firm voice trying to sound as respectful to all of the nobles and leaders at this meeting as my dad always said these were the people who helped him rule. 

  " Ah princess this meeting is not for some crazy village people. You see this is for the discussion of Andrew Mayfire now in case you don't know he's escaped the British Government and he will try to takeover a new country." Augustus said and I internally rolled my eyes i hate him since 3.

"Actually this meeting is not for that either" one of the nobles , Mr Myer said. 'hah take that' I thought and sneered quietly. 

"This meeting is being held because his majesty king Harold of Perrylin country sent a proposal" he said. 

"What kind of proposal?" I asked. " Well, you see princess he has a son prince Jonathan. He is your age well a year older but your from same a.age group" .

"Yeah I'm well aware of that what abt him?" I asked irritated and poured some tea for me. "Coming straight to the point then um he asked your hand for marriage" he said and I spit out my tea on Augustus who sat opposite me and choked on the air and started to cough like crazy "no no and nope never not happening ever" I managed to say. 

~~~~End of the meeting~~~~

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