78. Baby Troubles

Start from the beginning

You dropped your free arm at your side while your bottom lip quivered. You really didn't want to bother his parents. But now they were already here, and honestly you needed the help.

"Yeah." You nodded your head and wiped at your eyes again.

You stepped to the side so that they could walk in and then you closed and locked the door.

"Um, she's not usually like this" You said. "She just misses Hitoshi, and he's not here to help so it's been a bit hard. I can't get her to sleep."

M/n looked up at Hajime and her cries quickly slowed to a halt. You followed her gaze of confusion to him and then you realized why she was looking at him like that.

"Does grandpa look like your dada?" You asked her.

M/n reached for Hajime so he took her from you and held her up to his face.

"Hi baby" He said while she played with his hair with one hand and poked at the dark circles under his eyes with the other.

He walked further into the house and sat down on the couch with her.

Mihoko took the pacifier from your hand and then patted your shoulder.

"You should get some rest, dear" She said with a comforting smile. "We'll watch her."

You wiped the last of your tears off your cheeks and nodded your head.

"Oh- um, I just gotta-" You went into the kitchen and grabbed some paper towels. "She just spit up before you got here- I gotta-"

Mihoko took the paper towels from you. "I've got it. We'll be here for a while, so do anything that you have to do for yourself while we watch her."

You glanced at Hajime who was raising M/n into the air and then bringing her back down to him repeatedly to make her laugh.

"Okay..." You said quietly as you went towards the stairs. "T-Thank you"

"It's no problem" Mihoko said as she wiped up the mess on the floor.

You walked upstairs and into the bathroom. First and foremost, you had to shower.

Aizawa had been over a few days ago and that was the last time you were able to shower because he was able to watch M/n. And now you had baby vomit on you so a shower was something you couldn't pass up.

After your refreshing shower you put on some pajamas and walked into your bedroom. You immediately flopped onto the bed and as soon as your head hit the pillow you were asleep.


After a few hours (like 6) you woke up and decided to get some laundry done while you could.

After that you headed back down stairs and saw Mihoko sleeping on the couch next to Hajime who was still holding M/n.

M/n was still playing with his hair and eyes, she was still thinking about how much he looked like Shinso.

"Did she sleep at all?" You asked.

Hajime shook his head. "But she hasn't cried either, so that's a plus."

You went into the kitchen and opened the freezer, pulling out a pouch of breast milk that you had saved.

"Maybe she'll sleep after she eats." You said while running the pouch under hot water to thaw it.

Once it was thawed you grabbed a clean bottle and poured the milk into it.

You walked over with the bottle and took M/n from Hajime. Then you sat on the other couch and laid her down against your arm and gave her the bottle which she happily grabbed.

About halfway through her bottle her eyes started to close.

You ran your index finger down her nose. "Were you such a good girl for grandma and grandpa?" You asked. "Are you gonna act like a demon spawn again when they leave? You like giving mama a hard time when it's just her, huh?"

You looked over at Hajime and Mihoko who was still sleeping. "I'm all good now if you guys want to go home. Thank you for the help, I needed it."

"Are you sure?" Hajime asked. "You don't need anything else?"

You shook your head. "I'm good. I don't want to bother you guys"

"It was no bother" Mihoko said with a yawn as she woke up. "We are happy to help, just give us a call anytime."

She stood up and stretched before walking over to you and leaning down to give you a hug. "Bye, sweetie"

Hajime followed her over and also gave you a quick hug. "Goodbye"

They let themselves out and then after a couple of minutes you got up to lock the door.

You sat back down on the couch and looked down at M/n who was now half-asleep but still drinking her bottle.

You kissed her forehead and breathed in the smell of her baby shampoo. "You're so cute when you're not throwing a tantrum." (u know the baby smell, the good baby smell, not like shit or anything)

You looked up at the clock on the TV and saw that it was early the next morning. You smiled at M/n. "Dada's coming home today! Yayyy!" You whispered.

By now the bottle was empty so you took it out of her mouth and placed it on the coffee table in front of you. You put her pacifier in her mouth as a substitute.

You stood up with her and brought her upstairs into your bedroom. "Let's go to sleep"

You laid her down in the middle of your bed and kept a close eye on her while you placed pillows on one side of her to form a barricade, then you laid down on the other side of her and gave her your finger to hold onto. (you know when a baby grabs your finger, it's adorable)

"I love you, M/n, goodnight"


A few more hours later you woke up when you felt the bed dip down. Shinso had moved the barricade of pillows and laid down on the other side of M/n. He leaned over and kissed your forehead.

"Thank you for not killing yourself over this" He said.

You smiled and closed your eyes again while he kissed M/n's cheek, she was still fast asleep and still had her pacifier in her mouth.

"Never leave me alone with her for that long ever again." You said with your eyes closed. "Literally the hardest two weeks of my life, I don't know how single parents do it."

Shinso chuckled. "I won't."

"Good." You hummed. "I love you"

"I love you too" He said back as you both fell asleep.


this thing kinda long and shinso is like barely in it but whatever.

okie next one will prob be a lemon with top y/n and then that'll prob be the second to last chapter before i officially end this book



this isn't proof read

okie goodbye


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