"I haven't painted or drawn anything in months," Faith shrugged. "I'm behind on four art projects, I've lost all hope of it."

"Well... fuck," said Rue when she didn't know what to say.


Faith and Rue went back to Rue's house after meeting up in the treehouse. The Morales girl wasn't ready to face the reality of the fact that Cal Jacobs was her father, and that Nate Jacobs was her half-brother. She felt dirty. She was horrified to even think that she shared the same DNA with those people.

Faith had sobered up with Rue, and now was walking aimlessly. Like a muscle memory, she somehow ended up in front of her house when she came to the sudden realisation she wanted to run away, but then she remembered Lexi. She couldn't do that to her. She was finally happy.

Grace on the other hand was quiet. She was consoling a very frantic Lexi Howard, who had been crying nonstop for the whole night. Frank was pacing back and forth, trying to call people to track Faith.

Suddenly, front door opened and Faith walked in like she owned the place and if nothing had happened.

Seeing Faith enter the house, Lexi ran to her. She kissed the girl everywhere on her face and hugged her so tight as if the girl would disappear.

"Where were you? I was so worried for you. I looked everywhere!" Lexi rambled, becoming a crying mess once more. "I couldn't find you... I... I... thought I lost you, I thought you left me,"  Lexi murmured, her left hand resting on Faith's cheek. She took in every small detail of Faith's face, just in case it was all a dream.

"Shh, I won't leave you. I won't ever do that to you, I was at rue 's house," Faith whispered reassuringly in Lexi's ear. "That's why you couldn't find me at the treehouse. "I love you, Lex, and I'd never leave you."

However, Faith was interrupted by Grace clearing her throat.

"You shouldn't have done that, Faith. I never expected that from my daughter," said Grace. Kissing Lexi on her forehead, Faith stepped away from her girlfriend and was now facing her mother.

"Oh, your daughter? Well this is going to be an interesting conversation," said Faith sarcastically, feeling Lexi grab her hand from behind her. "You saw me crying everyday for my dad. You saw me go into depression because I was deprived of fatherly love! You saw me get bullied mercilessly for not having a dad!" Faith began crying once more, her anger and frustration with Grace and Cal slipping through. "And you never fucking told me who my dad was! And now you are saying you didn't expect that from me!?"

"What did you want me to say, huh? You were result of mistake? That you are daughter of a local Saint in disguise? Look at yourself, Faith! You turned into him!" Grace raised her voice, losing her temper. "You are just like him! That monster, that's hint of devil in you is him."

Faith chuckled bitterly and slowly clapped her hands. One lone tear ran down Faith's cheek. "Wow, mom, just wow. I never realised I was such a burden to you. You should take the blame to! You aren't fucking Saint either. You fucked a twenty-two year old when you were fifteen? Am I mistake? Fuck yeah I am."

Faith turned towards Frank, who was sitting uncomfortably on the couch of the Morales's living room.

"Frank, why don't you ask your girlfriend here how much of Saint she is? I'll put it in perspective for you," Faith smiled wickedly, tilting her head at her mother who was shaking in anger. "She fucked an adult while she was underage and now she is blaming everything on the person I never knew, because she never fucking told me who he was," now her anger got best of Faith she slammed her fist into nearest table, cutting open her knuckles on the splinters.

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