"Okay." Volt glared at Monsieur Man before she walked over to the counter. "What are we guarding here?" She asked the woman.

"Only the most important treasures in all of France." She explained and held up a pair of pants. "Napoleons pants."

"Eww." Phantom said making a face. "Those are some dinky pants." Captain Man said.

"The first  French bread that was ever baked." The women held up a very old and mouldy piece of break making Phantom gag. "And finally the original helmets of music superstars, the Daft Punk!"

"Ok, now that's cool."
"The only cool thing on this counter."

"I definitely know who Daft Punk is. Because I'm cool, and I know cool things." Captain Man said and Phantom nodded. "Name any of their songs." ShoutOut said.

"There's no time!" He said and Phantom rolled her eyes. "Yeah, we'll act like we believe you know Daft Punk." She said and Captain Man narrowed his eyes at the young girl before he stuck his tongue out at her childishly and she did the same.

"Volt! Let's get inventory on those weapons before these cheese lovers try to steal my favourite bands helmets or whatever." Captain Man said and Volt opened the weapons bag. "Uh, we got a problem Cap." She said and took out Bose's Mean Wheel. "We took the wrong weapons bag."

"Aww, what?" Captain Man said and took a weird rope from the bag. " I mean, I still have the laser." Phantom said as she took out the laser from her pocket. Captain Man nodded towards her with a small smile before he turned to Brainstorm. "Care to explain this buddy?" He asked Brainstorm.

"I can't because I am the dumb one." He said in a weird voice and Phantom furrowed her eyebrows.

"Ew, did someone science in here?" Captain Man asked and Phantom and ShoutOut looked at each other.

"Why are you looking at me?" ShoutOut asked her best friend. "Because you would've done something sciencey." Phantom said and ShoutOut nodded.

"Wait a minute." Captain Man said and took down Brainstorm's hood and took of his glasses to reveal Schwoz. "Schwoz! I thought I told you to stay at home you little nerd!"

"I want to find love!" Schwoz said as he ran out the door. "Wait, if that was Schwoz, then where's," Phantom started and Captain Man gasped.


"I mean... Bose!"

"I mean... Brainstorm!"


"What happened to Bose? Did we leave him at home?" Volt asked. "Alone?" AWOL added.

"Yes! He's my favourite one!" Captain Man said and Phantom nodded. "Same!" She said.

"He's probably scared and cold and hungry and tired!" Captain Man listed with a panicked voice and Phantom looked at him with worry.

He then started pacing. "Oh, someone call my baby Bose." He said and Phantom took out her phone. "Ok, relax I'm calling him." She said and Monsieur Man laughed. "It won't work." He said and the girl glared at him.

"Oh shut it!" She said and dialled Bose's number but it went straight to voicemail. "The cell cervice you're using, ATandOui, is on strike." It said in a French accent.

"The whole country is on strike, they all strike for Monsieur Man." He said and Phantom glared at him. "Ok, I don't like France anymore." She said.

"If only we had someone who could teleport back home." AWOL said. "Au revoir, Frenchies." He said before teleported away.

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