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"Sucrose!" Albedo called.
She turned around abruptly.

"Yes?" She asked. "Can you get me that screw?" He asked.
She ran over to the table and gave him the screw as fast as possible.

"Thank you" he smiled. "So what are you working on today mister Albedo?" Sucrose asked. She covered her mouth.

Albedo sighed. "You can just call me Albedo! We're the same age" he shook his head. "I'm sorry mister Albedo-

He laughed. "You just said it again!" Albedo said. He was working on this blaster-like thing.

"I'm sorry that must have been annoying..so what are you working on?" Sucrose asked.

"I think I've discovered a way to take down abyss mages easily. I've chemically combined Cyro and Electro, I still need Pyro" he said. Sucrose stared in shock. Albedo was very smart and talented and she had always looked up to him.

"Wait..but what if an abyss mage is one of those elements? It would be like fighting fire with fire" Sucrose asked.

Albedo squinted his eyes at the sky. "Hm.. that's a very good point, I could try to eliminate that element and make separate ones with the other two.." he said super-fast.

Sucrose blinked. "I think that's a good idea..that would take lots of work though.." she murmured. "Well that's the point of alchemy!" Albedo said. Sucrose nodded. "Do you need any..help?" She asked.

"Yes..I hope this isn't a lot to ask but.." Albedo held both of Sucroses hands. Her face turned pink.

"Could you get one of Klees bombs for me?" He asked. Sucrose nodded fast. "Sure mis- I MEAN ALBEDO!!" She ran off.

"What's with that girl.." Albedo laughed and turned back.


Sucrose ran all the way to Mondstadt. She walked to the nights of Favonius headquarters. "Hello Miss Sucrose!" Jean said.
Sucrose abruptly turned around. "Hey master Jean! Do you know where Klee is?" It had been a while since Sucrose met Jean ever since Albedo made his own camp at Dragonspine.
"Oh that little girl? She's in that room over there" Jean pointed to the room right next to hers. "Thanks!—is it fine if I see her?" Sucrose asked.

"That's totally fine, but what brings you here?" Jean asked. "Oh..Albedo wants me to get something for one of his experiments!" Sucrose said.
"Of course. I wonder why he's still hanging around in Dragonspine. It's freezing over there!" Jean said. "I'll let you go now" she laughed.
Sucrose opened Klees door. Klee was sitting on a desk. Puddles of water were all over the rug and Klee had a fishing net full of fish in her hands.

Her cute auburn eyes looked up and saw Sucrose. She sat on the fish net immediately trying to hide it. "Oh..haha...miss Sucrose!" Klee laughed nervously.

"Oh no..what have you done this time?!" Sucrose asked. Klee sighed. "Shhh, please don't tell master Jean! Klee went fishing in Windrise and caught SO MANY yummy fish!" Klee  whispered.

"Hmm..and why wouldn't you want Jean to know?" Sucrose asked sarcastically. "K-K-Klee miiiiight of used her bombs in the lake" Klees teeth chattered. "Klee you know your not supposed to be doing that..." Sucrose said. "T-there were so many fish in the pond though..." Klee pouted.

"Look, your gonna have to explain this to Jean.." Sucrose sighed. "Nonono-!

Jean opened the door.

"Oh my Seven!" Jean said as she saw the big mess. "Klee how many times am I gonna have to explain that you can't go fishing with your bombs! It's too dangerous and it made a mess" Jean facepalmed.

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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