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As the sun began to set on another eventful day, a certain (h/c) girl walked back from the hilichurl camp, which was left in disarray

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As the sun began to set on another eventful day, a certain (h/c) girl walked back from the hilichurl camp, which was left in disarray.

"And.. Done! Katherine better be proud of me for this." she murmured.

She just finished her set of daily commissions, along with some bounties.

It was her way of keeping busy after all.

She lived on her own for a couple years now, and she was content.

Even if she was known to be one of the most eccentric people in the adventure guide, she didn't have too many friends, or people to hang out with in general.



But people she could actually confide in, or to laugh and joke about how bad their days were?

Not so much.

At first she thought it was herself internally.

Maybe she was just unlikeable. But when she talked to people, they responded in a manner that wasn't full of hatred, or distaste.

Moreover, it was pleasant.

So it couldn't be that.

Maybe.. It was how she looked?

No, that couldn't be the case either.

Countless people complimented her on her unmistakable beauty daily.

So, she had to accept the true reason she had no one to talk to.


Well people fear her.


Even she didn't know.

She didn't have fangs or anything remotely scary.

But people were scared of power.

And she was one of the best fighters in the Guild.

With a vision as well, she was a force to be reckoned with.

And it seemed like no one was willing to take that chance.

But regardless, she didn't hate them. She stayed happy throughout the day, and kept a smile on her face as she walked through Mondstadt.

"Good evening!" She said as she waved to the knights guarding the entrance of "Mondstadt Central ''

She didn't get any response, but it didn't bother her all too much.

As she walked up the steps, a familiar voice called out to her "(Y/N)! Welcome back."

The voice, Katherine's, said. "Hey! You won't believe what I did today." She said with a smile so wide, it would make any male swoon.

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