Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

Hot tears slipped down Draco's cheeks when Alastriona screamed as she shot up.
Her arms flailed around, her fist connected with Draco's face but she didn't even notice!

A jagged scream tore from her throat and split the air, she curled into a ball, her face pressing against the rocks of the shoreline, her body shook with violent sobs!

Tracey looked on, tears flooded down her own cheeks, her hand covering her mouth. She can't believe people she thought were her friends had nearly killed this girl!

"Alastriona, darling," Madame Pomfrey said soothingly, "I want you to drink this, please." Despite rogue tears on her face, her voice was calm, quiet and one that Alastriona trusted. Alastriona hesitantly opened her mouth and swallowed the sweet potion Madame Pomfrey poured into her mouth. 

The sobs stopped, she was breathing evenly.
Draco, red eyed, met Madame Pomfrey's gaze, "What did you give her?" He asked softly.

"A Calming Potion and a Sleeping Draught." She answered. "She'll wake shortly but she'll remain mildly calm."

Professor Dumbledore cleared his throat and nodded to the other professor's, "Let's return to my office while we wait for Miss Breen you wake up." His eyes fixed on Pansy, Millicent and Tracey, "I should like to hear how these events came to pass."

Alastriona awoke with a pain in her chest that wouldn't go away

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Alastriona awoke with a pain in her chest that wouldn't go away. Despite being awake she felt more tired than ever and her joints were stiff and sore. Alastriona blinked and sat up straight as the memories of what happened hit her like a bucket of cold water.

Despite the Calming Potion tears quickly began streaming down her pale, freckled cheeks.

Madame Pomfrey came over immediately and embraced the girl tightly, "It's okay, dear, you're safe now." She reassured her.

No part of Alastriona felt safe.

Madame Pomfrey had Alastriona eat something small before asking the question she didn't want to but was forced to, "Alastriona would you be okay to go to Albus' office? The students that were apart of this... they will be there." She saw the panic begin to break through and hurriedly tried to comfort her, "They will not be able to hurt you, I swear. I will be there the whole time as will several professor's."

Alastriona wiped away some stray tears and tried to be brave, she nodded her consent.

There were several people waiting in Professor Dumbledore's office; Professor Dumbledore himself, Professor Sprout, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick and Professor Moody.

Fred, George and Ginny Weasley were present as well as Draco and in a corner with Professor Snape keeping a sharp eye on them was Tracey, Millicent and Pansy.

As soon as Alastriona was in the office Professor Sprout hurried over and embraced the girl, appropriateness be damned, she just needed to check she was okay!

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