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[ Daddy glitch joined the chat]

Mikey mouse: Who the fuck is daddy glitch.

VAMPIRE: it not me

Kenny: wow Baji you actually spelt something right.

Cat lover: nah jit trippn.

VAMPIRE: Shat up

Kenny: never mind

devil twin😄: So we just gonna ignore the fact someone joined the chat

Banana man: @Daddygiltch

Daddy glitch: HI

devil twin😡:Who are you

Daddy glitch: Are you blind

devil twin😄: you wanna fight

Daddy glitch: Nah you probably weak

devil twin😄: oh so you wanna fight ok square up

devil twin😡:@Devil twin😄 let's not start a fight

Daddy glitch: *nah pull up*

Daddy glitch: address is xXxX xxx

pretty boi : Mikey if you ask him to join I swear to god.

Mikey mouse:   you're bold I like, join toman

Kenny: really mikey smh

Daddy glitch: I mean yall havin a meeting somewhere

Banana man: we're meeting up at Musashi shrine tonight at 12:00

Daddy glitch: Alright bet gonna be there early

devil twin😃: imma be there early too

pretty boy: Ah shit here we go again

how was first chapter pls leave your opinion in the comments.

(183 words)

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