I slowly turned the door knob, opening the door slightly and surely it was enough for me to see who was at the door. It wasn't Mikey and his friends for sure, neither mum or father, who I thought must have forgotten their key or something. It was a kid, looks to be about my age. I didn't know for sure if they are a he or her.

They where holding a basket with blue rose flowers poking out. They had black flowing hair, some short and some long enough to question their gender. They also had hazel eyes, matching their skin which was light skinned and half tanned.

They held up the basket with a sweet smile. I didn't know what time it was, but, the sun was setting....

"My name's Cassidy, I just moved here not to long ago" the voice of them, kind of gave away the gender thing. It was soft spoken, like a female, but more of a male like deep tone. I didn't want to miss gender them, I sometimes see people get very upset when someone does. I didn't want to upset them, I mean, they was the first kid my age who really tried to speak to me.

"I... uhm... live down there" they stated, turning slightly and pointed at a yellow house, that was across the street from mine. Just, a little bit to the right. They turned back to face me with that same sweet smile. "Oh! I'm a boy, by the way... I just never really cut my hair.." he finally spoke about his gender, maybe he saw how I wasn't looking at him or people didn't know about his gender also.

He looked more like a girl, but, still like a boy. I don't know how to explain it, he is just really pretty. I forgotten I was zoned out, actually, I didn't know I zoned out until he spoke again. "I'm sorry, did I come at a bad time?" he said, sadness lacing in the soft spoken voice of his. I snapped out my thoughts, blinking before shaking my head.

"No, your fine...." I said lowly, taking the basket out his hand. He smiled and put his hands behind his back, then slightly tilting to the side. "Can I come in?" he asked, I nodded and step away for him to enter the house. He looked around the house, as I close the door and take a peak in the basket.

I wasn't that talkative, small talking wasn't my thing either. How did he knew my favorite color was blue or was it because I'm a boy? The basket had some freshly cooked chocolate muffins, the blue rose flowers was in a box vase, sweets and tea packs. "So, where's your parents?" he asked, the question I really didn't want to answer. I closed the led of the basket, holding the handle tightly. "They are out for now.." I said softly and quietly, the boy just nodded in understanding. He walked over to check the house out, I guess.

"You have siblings?" He askes, I nodded for my response. Following as he looks in the living room, where I was watching cartoons and snuggling in warm blankets. He walked in the living room, glancing at the TV before sitting on the couch, slightly. I slowly headed over to the side I had the blankets, setting down the basket on the coffee table and sitting down on the couch.

"I don't have siblings" he stated randomly, leaning back on the couch and turning his attention to me. "Can I stay here with you? must be lonely with no one in the house at all" he said, I simply just nod, not minding if he stayed or not. I didn't know him, but, him just being here, made me feel comfort. It's like he put a spell on me, when I just looked at him.

It was nice to have someone who wasn't to hyper or scary or either annoyed at my presence. He was calm and gave a warm smile every time he looks at me. "Oh, I still don't know your name" He softly stated, making me realize it. "Sorry, my names Chris afton.... but, please call me Evan when my family or we aren't around people..." I stated, the last part quietly low. He nodded, scooting closer to me. "Okay Evan" he hums, shifting the blankets and putting them over me.

"I suppose this comfy corner is yours" he said softly, he leaning over to pick up the basket then pulling out the muffins. "I didn't know what kind you liked, but, I did saw you one day with a chocolate muffin in school, so, I guess you like them" he shrugged, taking a muffin and handing it to me. I took the muffin with a soft smile, biting into it, tasting like chocolate, still better then the school's. "How does it taste?" he asked, I nod as I finish the bite in my mouth. "It's good, thank you" I stated, gaining a bright, warm smile from him.

"Glad you enjoy it!" he stated, grabbing the vase of flowers and thinking for a little bit. "My parent's told me I could visit your house.... But, I didn't get theses flowers for everyone in your house" he trailed off, setting the flowers down on the coffee table. "I got them for you, because..... I wanted to ask you to be my friend, but, I didn't know if bring flowers was weird or not..... so, I just got them, lied to my parents and here they are!" he stated, cheeks going red slightly.

I smiled softly while eating the muffin, with a slight nod. He stood up and grabbed the vase of flowers. "Where is your room?" he asked, fixing his pants slightly while turning to face me. "Upstairs to your right" I said softly, while he strolls off to my room. I peaked out the window, it was kind of dark outside, just the moonlight shinning and street lights glowing.

I didn't have a phone or anything to check the time, I mostly just ask Elizabeth to go ask father or mum what time it was. Cassidy then came back, peaking outside before sitting back down next to me on the couch. "Mmm, I think I have time to stay a little bit longer" he hums, quietly to himself before turning his attention back to me.

At this point, my eyes was getting sleepy, but hearing Cassidy's soft voice talking and commentating about the cartoons on the TV, was lovely and funny to hear. I ate 3 of the muffins along the way while eating some sweets, with green tea on the side. Cassidy only ate 1  muffin, some sweets and some green tea also. I yawned softly, gaining Cassidy's attention. He move even closer to me, moving the blankets up over me. "You can rest" he said softly, patting my head with his warm smile.

I nodded, shifting slightly and holding my golden teddy bear tightly. My eyes was at the point where I wasn't asleep, but, I was at the same time. I felt warm arms lift me up, gently laying me down, on what I guess is a bed. "Goodnight Evan, see you tomorrow" Cassidy's soft voice whispered, feeling his hand move some hair off my forehead and did a small, gentle kiss. Before my body could finally shut down and fully rest peacefully.

Sunset | Chris POVМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя