"When you say how's it looking... Do you mean Mei-chan or her brother?" She asked, and Mikey could only glare at the girl a bit annoyed.

"Obviously I mean both."

She sighed at this, "I figured." Looking away she frowned a bit solemnly. "Takemitchy's still unconscious, the beating you guys let him take wasn't good, and added with the stress of everything that happened it seems his body just shut down to recuperate," Emma explained as Mikey openly stared at her a bit alarmed as he had to blink a few times.

"... The doctors told you this?"

She shook her head, "Yai-chan actually." She explained, "She was the one who better understood what the doctors were trying to say when they tried explaining his condition to us."

"I see..." Mikey nodded understandingly, "Who'da thought Yaichi knew how to speak doctor." He admitted to being somewhat surprised as the image of the deadpanned quiet redhead popped in his mind.

"Apparently her family owns a clinic that she's supposed to inherit someday, so I think that means she's just used to it," Emma explained as Mikey only nodded in acknowledgment to this.

"And Ei-chan?" At this Emma's solemn expression returned. Mikey's heart skipped a beat in concern, "...Emma?"

Shaking her head Emma met his worried coal eyes with her own honey eyes. "She's okay... Sorta. She's not as pale as when Hina-chan, Yai-chan, and I got to them." She sighed then, "But it did take us a bit to convince her to go home and rest instead of spending the night at the hospital with her brother."

Mikey sighed in relief at this, "That's good... She wasn't looking so good after stupid Ken-chin made us leave Pah." He all but growled darkly remembering the fight that came soon after they regrouped later.

"Shit!" Baji struggled to try and hold Mikey back.

"Guys stop!" Mitsuya tried his best to keep himself between the two leading members of the gang.

All the other captains and their vice-captain all stared in shock and concern as they'd gathered for an emergency meeting over the situation with Pah.

"We're bailing him out!" Mikey shouted as he pushed Baji off of him. "And that's final! Pah doesn't deserve to rot away in some cell for giving that piece of shit what he deserved!"

"Whether he deserved to be stabbed or not ain't the issue Mikey! That isn't how we do things!" Draken shouted back but did nothing to push aside Mitsuya as he acted as a human barrier between the two. "And besides, none of us even got the cash to bail Pah out!"

"Then we'll just raise it!"

"With what jobs! I don't see any of us working, and even if we did it would take time to make the type of cash needed to bail Pah!"

"Well, I don't see you coming up with any solutions!!"

"Because there's nothing to resolve." Draken growled, "Pah chose to turn himself in. End of story!"

"No! Don't give me 'end of story,' I refuse to accept that!" Mikey growled back, "And if you're against that, then you're against me and Toman!"

"The only one here going against Toman is you!" Draken shot back, "With your little bitch tantrum and refusal to accept Pah-chin's decision!"

"Fu– Mitsuya duck!" Baji yelped, losing his grasp of Mikey as the teen broke free to attack, not even caring about the silver-haired teen that had been trying to act as a physical barrier between him and Draken.


"Crap-" Mitsuya's eyes went wide, as he barely managed to throw himself out of the way with the help of Draken who purposely shoved him aside. The captains and vice-captains going wild as their two commanding leaders broke into a fight.

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