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This translation begins with chapter 19.

Chapters 1-18 can be found here: https://chrysanthemumgarden.com/novel-tl/ittl/

Other MTLs: https://www.mtlnovel.com/i-trick-even-the-lames-to-stand-up-for-me/

The original text (Chinese) can be found here: http://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=3160203

The links will also be posted in the comments.


This is not an accurate translation of the original text: 瘸子都被我忽悠的站起来了 (I Trick Even the Lames to Stand Up for Me)

The original author is 黑猫睨睨 (Black Cat)

I do not own this work. 

This work is recommended for mature (18+) readers but does not contain explicit material.

Please respect the original author. If you can, please support the author on the original website (jjwxc.net).


This is an edit of machine translations in an attempt to make the text easier to read in English. These translations come from Google translate and other MTLs. My method of editing begins with comparing the Google translation with other MTLs, then editing grammatically or contextually to make the story more comprehensible. I will try my best to edit while sticking as close to the author's original intent as I can, but things may not be entirely accurate.

I have no background knowledge on Mandarin Chinese and will most likely misinterpret some parts due to my ignorance. I am Korean-American and the extent of my practical knowledge is limited to the other translated cn novels I've read. If you do have knowledge to spare or see any blatant mistranslations, please notify me in the comments and I will try my best to fix my mistakes.

I do not and will not profit from editing the translations. I will never accept any donations/tips for this work, not because I believe that it is wrong to do so, but because I am inconsistent in updating and I am only doing this for my personal enjoyment

Due to this fact, it is very possible that I will go on short or long hiatuses, or even drop the work entirely. Thank you.

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