important background info!!

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so this is just some info that makes this story a little easier to understand

1. jacob, y/n, lexi, and braydon have been a friend group since kindergarten. jacob and y/n's family have been close since jacobs mom and y/n's mom were best friends in high school, and their dads became great friends once they had met each other.

2. lexi and y/n have been neighbors since they were born, so their families are also quite close

3. jacob met lexi when they were toddlers. jacob's family would come over every friday night for dinner, and lexi would come too bc y/n's mom babysat her

4. they all met braydon in kindergarten!

5. jacob, y/n, lexi, and braydon are all from Utah but live in LA, as they attend school there

6. julia is joey's gf! (she's not incredibly important to the story, that's why there is no pic of her in the first chapter. i can add one to help you guys vision this story better if u would like tho!!)

this chapter will be added to as i think of other important info!!

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