You Can't Run Forever

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"Baby I love You with everything in me.But I got to go." he said

"I know it just hurts to know that I won't see you for awhile Sin." I said

"If our love is strong like i know it is then when i come home we will be together again."

The correctional officer came to tell my love our visit was over.And the tears I was holding back slowly began to run.

"Baby don't cry I can't take that. Please smile for me.I need you to be strong for us and for the boys. Okay?" he solemly said

"Okay Sincere I will try. I love you." I cried

"I love you too A'Jarae. Tell the boys the same goes for them and i will see them soon."

"Okay i will."

"I'll see u in five years babe. You be good." he said

He got up to leave .

"Yea you too." Was all I could get to come out.

I watched as the love of my life left and walked away fromme and our unborn child.

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