Chapter 2

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I leave the park and start heading home, the sun is setting leaveing orange tint over the city, I was Still thinking of what collateral damage I could cause but I can't think of anything I did what I've been wanting to do for so long  burning hawks's 'hard work' away, but it didn't have the effects I thought it would so maybe I need to go bigger... yeah way bigger more.. flashy.
I sit on my bed and think.. "what's better than burning hawks's agency.." sure I could try to kill hawks but that's too meaningless sure people will be upset and maybe scared but with the number 1 hero being endeavor and crime getting more rampant, the people are already scared even tho they still think hero's can save them from everything... "I'll think about it more in it in a bit" I say with a sigh i go and fix me some food, when my food was almost done I saw a flash from the corner of my eye, it came from the window..

a camera?..if a camera whoever took a photo is fucking stupid but I can't help but be anxious.. if a hero or police found this apartment.. I try to stop thinking about it and go outside and look around by the window where I saw the flash, trash bins overflowing with trash bags

I don't see anyone I thought to myself, I stand still for a moment listening. I could swear I heard muffled breathing somewhere.
I sighed "well.. guess I'm just being paranoid" I say as I walk away looking back one lsat time before going inside
The next day
I watched the news to see if there were any recent villain attacks and there was a few but non that I was interested in til " I'm here with the number two hero hawks and... uh a new hero who's name is kuro" the news lady said

"I have a few questions to ask about the arson attack against your agency"

"Ask away, I'm happy to answer your questions " hawks said with a smirk And kuro next to him looking slightly annoyed
His name is kuro? I ask myself why wouldn't they use his hero name..

" people have been bringing up the arson case again and We're wondering if you have any leads on who done it?" She asked leaning the mic towards hawks
"At the moment we don't have any leads.. but if you want to get better information I suggest asking kuro here" hawks said pointing Ive to kuro besides him

I heard the news lady mumble something but couldn't hear what she said but she seemed like she was Annoyed

"Kuro. Your the ghost hero correct?" She asked her tone more cheerful"
"Uh.. yeah that's right" he doesn't seem used t being interviewed

"Great meeting you! Have you found any clues to the case at all? Do you think the league of villains did it? They have been causing a lot more trouble lately" she asks
"Uh well yes I have a few clues and I'm still doing and investigation on this despite the police pausing the continuation of it on their part till more evidence is found or similar crimes are committed, with the evidence found it seems the league of villains are not the culprits" he says starting to get more confident with his speaking

Hawks walks off screen at this point

"Are you allowed to give us any insite to the evidence of the case?"
"No. Not at this time, now I really need to get going thank you for interviewing me" he said as the news switched to something els

I can't believe they're bringing the case back after two weeks and barely asking any questions when it happened.

I hear a crashing sound of trash cans outside my window I jump at the sound, "the fuck.." I say In annoyance. I hurry outside to see who it was trash cans were knocked over and a indent in the trash bags someone definitely fell

"Who's here.. come out, now." No answer and nothing happens, i sighed and went back inside I step on some paper that was on the ground, I pick it up and inspect it.... No address or anything, just a blank envelope

I open it and read what it said, ' come to the coffee shop at this address ******** I'll be waiting' a cold shiver runs down my spine is this the person that took a picture? This is so weird.. but despite my (should be) better judgment I go

When I get to the coffee shop I look around. I don't even know who I'm looking for, there are a few people around outside so I head inside and look around there are a few people occupying tabes a few groups of 2-3

I look around a bit more and see someone wave at  me he's near the window, dark teal hair and yellow eyes, it's kuro.

I walk over the table and put the envelope in front of his face "what's the big deal with this"
He looks at the envelope and at my hands, "why are your hands stained?" He asks

My hands were a bit stained a light pink color and a slightly darker pink leaning more red from when I set hawks's agence on fire and got a bit more stained when fidgeting with a ball of fire at the park.

" Why did you send this.. how do you know where I live." I was annoyed and very confused

"Sit down and we can talk more" he said as he took the envelope from my hand and gestured to the seat in front of him

I hesitantly sat in the chair In front of him
His demeanor changes from serious and on guard to relaxed and cheerful.. it was almost unsettling "it's very nice seeing you again, and I want to apologize again for running through you" I get more annoyed he's acting like we're friends

I sighed "ok listen I just want to know why  you wanted me here"
"I just wanted to get to know you better.." he said with a nice smile, he almost looks genuinely honest about what he is saying

"Mhm...well I'm not interested.." I get up and start to walk away but he gets up and grabs my wrist  "fine. I'll explain myself" his face more serious and threatening.

Word count: 1080

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