Chapter One: New Day, New Journey

Start from the beginning

     The same thing that happened last year was that Melanie's good cousin, Gnarlia, put a spell on her ex-husband, Horus, and  some of his then new friends using her chicken stock which she initially was gonna use it to make food.  The wizard and the witch then apologized to each other. Before this happened, he was originally going to her house because he was trying to turn their owl daughter, Stacey, into a human.  Steve spoke to the Gothmorian Times to address this issue on the oppressor's cousin. 

     "When I was a baby witch," Gnarlia spoke up. "Melanie was the sweetest cousin I have ever had. However, as soon as I was growing up to be a kid, she became a spoiled brat to me. That behavior was so toxic for your family member because they can make your life go to fire town. She has been manipulating me for the past 75 years, and she is still traumatizing me to this day." 

     Gnarlia thought it would be a good idea for someone to go on the quest to eventually attack on her evil cousin so that not only that her life is saved, but also that Gothmoria is saved. "I need you to do you all a favor. You need to go on a journey to go on a quest and kill Melanie." She explained. 

     As Gnarlia has said, when you go on a quest to destroy the bad guy, this means you are trying to save Gothmoria.

     Evan was so shocked about what's going on in the article that he wanted to come up to you for this. He walked upstairs to your room quickly, and then he knocked your door.

     "Yes, Evan?" You said while you heard him knocking.

"Y/n, I read an article that seems interesting!" Evan called you.

"Okay." You replied.

     You then opened your door to see the article that Evan was reading.  You then read the article yourself, and as you read it, it interest you, and you were shocked about what's going on.

     "What do you think?" Evan asked you after you read the article.

"This means we're about to save Horus's ex-wife, Gnarlia's evil cousin to safe Gothmoria?" You replied to Evan. "So you know what it's time for another quest!"

"Oh yeah!" Evan said. "We're back for a new journey! But the only downside is that my friends are not here, but at least you have me!"

"Brendar said that I'm an honorary quester about a week ago, so I hope she is proud of me after we take down Gnarlia's cousin, Melanie, I think." You said to Evan.

"You're not wrong." He said to you.

"So, how are we gonna get her to attack on her?" You asked him.

"Well there should be a..." He almost answered you. 

    A doorbell randomly rings, so Evan has to answer the door. 

"Well, I think it's gonna be Gnarlia herself who was ringing the doorbell." He said.

     Evan goes to the door, and then he opens it. Turns out, it was Gnarlia's husband and Evan's friend, Horus. 

    "Mr. Scrum!" Evan said to Horus. 

"Hello, my troll friend!" Horus said to Evan. "I hope you had a fun time with y/n!"

"Why thank you!" Evan said to Horus. 

"You're welcome." Hours said to Evan. "Now I would like to tell you that you might heard about Gnarlia's cousin, Melanie destroying Gothmoria, I went to Gnarlia's castle, and she gave me a map for the journey." 

     Horus gave Evan the map so you and Evan can go on a journey to attack on Melanie. 

"Why thank you again" Evan said to Horus. "And also, it was nice seeing you."

"It was nice seeing you too, Evan" Horus said to Evan. "Wait a minute, hello, y/n!" 

"Hey, Hours!" You said to Hours. 

     "I knew you are going on a quest with Evan while I'm having a break with Stacey, but since you're our honorary quester now, you and Evan can now have the map." Horus said to you.

"Thank you Hours, and it was nice seeing you!" You said to him.

"Aww, you're welcome!" He said to you. "And have fun with Evan on your journey to kill Melanie!"

"Thank you, Bye!" You and Evan both said and waved to Horus!

"You're welcome! Bye, take care!" Horus said and waved to the two of you.

     He then closed the door and left the house after he gave the two of you the map. The two of you then looked at it, and then you see that Melanie's home is somewhere on the hill near Gnarlia's castle. 

     "You know what I say to my friends together." Evan said to you.

"Of course." You said to him.

"Let's get questing!" The two of you said and gave each other a high five.

     This is followed by a montage of the two of you packing your bags for a new journey which is paired with some catchy rock music with some singers shouting "Oi!" at the background. You packed your snacks, magic wand, your medieval phone, and a flashlight in your purse. Evan packs Mr, Snuggly, his loot, plushies named Clippy and Cloppy,  and magic wand in his suitcase. After packing your bags, the two of you left your house and gave each other a fist bump.

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