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"What? How could you know-"

"Just listen, it'll make sense after I explain I promise." I cut Will off, shaking my head.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned, finding Spencer giving a small, reassuring smile.

"Long story short, I was kidnapped when I was fifteen. I was held for six months before I managed to escape."

"But how could this connect to our case-"

"Let her finish Will." Em said softly, knowing my story.

"Naturally I have black hair. I dye it blonde, in part because of what happened when I was fifteen, but now it's mostly due to habit. I didn't really think about it until today, when Spencer and I went to see the other two victims. This symbol was carved into the backs of their necks." I set a piece of paper on the center of the table, on which I quickly sketched out the symbol. "The reason I believe I know who our unsubs are, is because I have that same symbol carved into my neck. My kidnappers did it to me, probably five months or so after they took me."

Lumine nodded. "Logically it could be. If they're taking blondes, like you are currently, and dyeing their hair black. It almost seems like they're trying to 'get you back.' That and the nail polish with the fingers positioned over the eyes. You have grey eyes Lilah, which is rare. Blue is as close as most can find."

"And she's in her late twenties, like most of the victims were." Soot nodded along. "What were their names Lilah?"

"Cairn and Gale. Gale was probably around six foot, brown hair with green eyes." I swallowed thickly, my hands trembling as I imagined their faces. "Cairn was a bit shorter, ginger with blue eyes."

Em gently grabbed one of my hands. "Do you think our towns police station still has the drawings you did? They could email them to us so people know who to look for."

I nodded. "They should yeah. If not, I have copies at my apartment." I murmured.

Em nodded. "I'll go get in touch with the station, see if they still have the drawings." She squeezed my hand gently. "In the meantime, you guys get something to eat alright? It's been a long day."

"Alright, I'll order for you Sherman." Soot nodded, dragging a hand through his hair.

They were both so blind. They liked each other and neither ever seemed to notice.

Hell they know each others orders for almost any type of food. There were bets on when they'd end up together.

Despite them not being together, part of me wanted what they had.

Somehow they made it look so easy. If not for the rule that we weren't technically supposed to date co-workers, they'd be together by now, I almost guarantee it.

"Fairchild!" I blinked, finding a hand half waving in front of my face. Looking up, I saw Lumine. "You good? We've been trying to get your order for the last five minutes."

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay.."

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