Paint have no idea on what to said. On one hand, this universe is a good one. He would saw his friend in it... On the other, she would killed anyone who look at her (or his friend if they ever met) funny or just pulverized him. May God and the Queen have mercy on his soul.

"Well... It's............."

The crowd didn't heard.

"Come on man! Speak louder." Said Mirko. Of course all would like to know as well, maybe not the villains but some of the students do.

"Mirko's..... "

"What?! I can't hear you!" Shout Mirko.

Paint was really stalling at usually. He doesn't want get hit by one the top 10 hero but he as well have no idea what would happen if he didn't play it. As she got closer and he back up a bit, a portal suddenly appear above the Rabbit hero and two new viewers came through. It did create a loud thud.

The first was a man with wings and the other was a woman.

All of them who those two are, for the heroes who worked with them and to those who are a fan or someone like Izuku or Mineta (for obvious reasons).

Hawks or Keigo Takami and Ryukyu or Ryuko Tatsuma. Both are either acquaintance or friend to our lovely rabbit.

"Ow... That's it, no more drinking drinks from weird people." Said Hawks

"Takami-san, forgive me if I sounded rude but may you get off. You're hurting my back."

"Huh, oh. Yo, Ryukyu. Nice to see you."

"I... *sigh* it's good to see you to Keigo-san."

"Oi! Both of you get off me! Even if I'm strong, you still weight a lot. And you ruining my tail!"

"Hmm. Ah, Rumi! Hey there girl."

"Indeed as he says, it's good to see you, Usagi-san."


As the exchange between the three continues, it was clear as day that one way or another that they were friends. Bickering as well as shouting at each other was fun to watch as far as the crowds stays quiet.

"Ahem" coughed Nauchan. Even if she wasn't the one who handle the machine, she is still the host.

"Oh, hey, hey Endeavor! How are ya? How are ya? Good, now could please tell me on what in the world is going?"

Ryukyu as well follow as she saw that she wasn't in her agency as she would be at this time.

"Indeed. It seems we been transport to somewhere."

"Huh? Oh, ask the cat girl over there." Said Mirko as she points to the grey haired girl who was visibly mad.

"Cat girl?! Oh, why I have never-"

"Now, now nee-san, we are still hosts to them or do you want to lose your license again."

Nauchan flinched on that thought. Losing her license means no multiverse travel, that also means no all you can eat ice cream world.

But if she didn't fight, there was a chance if someone would called her that again. She was a leopard damn it!

Hmm... Decision, decision..

"Fine, fine! Look, the two of you are part of the multiverse viewing band wagon. And yes the villains are here. No, violence of what ever shape or form are prohibited. Unless it is a lesson or your name is Mineta Minoru. And yes you can leave and fight it out but not here. Got it?!"

While many can see how visible is she, they were at the very least respect their host. Despite the low coming of information they provide than the library (they are after all field agents), they still respect it.

"Ooo...Kay. So what universe are we going to watch right now?" Ask Hawks.

"A universe about me of course! Who else do you think it was."

A moment of silence was made by the  bird based hero before he laughed.

It was loud and it was making the person in question really mad. And Hawks knew... He fucked up.

Timeskip brought to you by Zaia

After a small but painful beat down on Hawks, Mirko was still a little angry. Ryukyu did try to made her stop on some occasions but either she herself wasn't trying at all or she was told not to by their host.

Even if their quirks was still around, it was weaken to a certain stage. It wasn't like that aura thingies or magic at all.

Now, Rumi (Mirko) turn to the boy and walked towards him once again and asked/threaten him,

"Tell me, what is this world about.."

As hesitant as he is, he wouldn't care at all what would happen just on what will happen.

"It's about you having a...kid. Please don't kill me." He begged.

The audiences were shocked. Those who knew her through first time meeting or even the internet knew what type a person she was but to those who knew personally..,

While some knew her by the past. I.e. Nana. And while others were her friends. Many now just waiting on what she would do.

Mirko face was in shock first and then it tighten just a bit as if she was furious. In truth, she knew that she have to be mad. Furious even more so but she couldn't.

Why couldn't she? Her job and life ambition was to be hero like her idol Nana but sometimes, she could wonder in her head and find an old dream. Before a hero, she wanted to be a mother. She was an orphan. She met her friends through school and so on and so forth but she told them her old dream. To be a parent of some sort to a kid of her own.

Where was her innocent went?

"L-look. If you have a problem with it, it's fine! I-i could search f-for another universe if you like?" Said Paint.


"Ah okay then. Than I'll- wait what?!"

"You hear me. No need. Just- just play it." Said Rumi as she walked back to her sit. Of course Ryukyu follow to made sure she was fine and Keigo was well her friend really. I mean, it was still in the heroes section with the teachers but that's all.

As all the occupants saw what they did, they went straight towards back to their sit after getting what they need as well relief themselves.

"All before we once again continue on, to the new viewers all that you need are as follows, bed room, panic room, gyms and toilets are on the right side of the hall outside of the theater meanwhile, anything like the recreation room as well as many others are on the left side of the halls.

And don't worry, all of the room are perfectly space and some are sound proof and install with intercoms. There are as well a lecture hall for classes if need to be." Said Nauchan.

The students only can groan as well maybe with present mic on the thought of continuing school in the place they are at.

"All are install with technologies that may suit your standards and taste. There are as well a simulation hall if any of you would like to use it and anything that needed will be provided through these tablets."

*Snap fingers*

Everyone were surprised but took it as a chance as well.

"Now without further a do, let's begin.", With a nod, Paint place the hard drive and everything starts to be shine.

Next universe found:

Build up MHA

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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