•|Hallucinations are not REAL|•

629 18 15

⚠️ WARNING⚠️: Long chapter + Angst

And it's a backstory+ mixed chapters




The regret....fells like this...

I... I know, I was the one who killed him...it was my fault.


That one day, only if I wasn't coming back from a childish fight with boboiboy about being BETTER than him or being more popular,.... this would never happened.

"Now you're annoying me! Can't you just admit!?" The brown haired elemental boy yelled back for the thousandth time.

"And why don't YOU admit that I'M BETTER!!?" The purple shadow boy yelled back at him.

"G-guys I think that you should stop now, it's getting too far." The pink girl with the hoodie said while a clear shuttering was on her face.

The blue haired girl with dark blue eyes nodded on her words.

"Yes, you can't let a simple argument between your true friendship!" She added.

Boboiboy got puzzled. He thought wisely, Because at this moment...

It was needed...

"Fang.... I think they are right,we should stop-"

But I left...

it didn't matter if he gets sad or something.

But... I realised he was....

So crushed inside....


I remember I was in madness and was walking on the streets."hah! Bo-bo-i-boy huh!? Tsk! Everyone knows that I'M better than him...he just doesn't admit."

I was just....so lost in thinking.

But then all of a sudden I really stopped for a while. Was it.......was it true that we can't let out a small argument come between our 'friendship'?


For a while my heart skipped a beat...

I.....don't think we are friends anyway, huh?
More like...rivals, or.....more than friends.

So lost in thinking...

I didn't realise when a truck horned at me, I got infront of it.

I got too shocked do anything and then...



Someone pushed me... I realised it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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