𝒞𝒜𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐞𝒟𝑔𝒜𝓉 ~ 𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝒪𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒜𝑔𝒶𝒟𝓃 (𝒰𝓅𝒹𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹)

Start from the beginning

But then the sadness was replaced with a smile and then a laugh, and then I realized what had just happened. "That's not funny," I say playfully, hitting him on the shoulder as they continue to laugh, "You should have seen your face, I got you good" he says while laughing. "Well, I should probably head to class before I'm late," I say before walking off. The next couple of classes were easygoing, there wasn't any more cutting things open, which I was grateful for. Now it was lunchtime, and I was hungry, so I was happy that I was finally getting food into myself. We were all sitting around our usual table. Ned and Peter were talking about what we were going to wear for the Halloween party at the school.

They wanted us to do a group costume, and after a few minutes of option, I started to think we never going to ever agree on the same thing, Ned and Peter wanted to be something out of Star Wars, and I know I should know the characters because I saw the movie, but I still had no clue what they were talking about. MJ said that no one would know who our costume was because no one watched that nerdy stuff, which got a look of hurt from both Peter and Ned. And then they both went on a very long rant about how popular Star Wars was and MJ mouthed sorry to me because they caused this, and I just laughed.

MJ then changed the subject, and she asked Peter and Ned if they were going to ask anyone to go with them, then winked at me. Ned then talked about how Peter was going to ask Liz to the party and that they had a complete plan for what they were going to do. I could feel the jealousy in my body, and I couldn't listen to Ned talk about Peter having a crush on Liz, so I just zoned them out and went into thought. I started to think about what happened at the library and the USB and the flash drive and how the Librarian was acting weird towards the end.

They brought me out of my thought when the bell rang to tell us that lunch was over, and I began to gather all my stuff and put it into my bag. I began to stand up and then I started to get a weird feeling in my stomach and then started to get dizzy. I looked over to MJ and Ned and they started to get all fizzy and then everything just went dark. I began to wake up again, but I couldn't see anything, but I felt cold. My vision slowly came back, and I noticed that I wasn't in the canteen anymore, but I was in a dark and damp room. I looked over to see that I was in a room with just a bed and a toilet. It looked like I was in jail. There was a window, but it was small and had barriers to it. For was a door, but it didn't have a handle or window on it. I walked over to the There them, entwined, but all I could see was snow, snow and more snow.

I heard noises coming from behind the door, and then the sound of keys and then the door being unlocked. And two people walked in in the room, but I couldn't see anything but their eyes, but I knew it was the same guy as before because they had the same aura about them. "How are you feeling? " The man from my last dream asked me. I just looked at them, confused on why they were asking me. Why wouldn't I be? Did something happen? "I feel good. Mayme? I ask why you are asking me," I asked, and they just laughed. They then turned to the other guy and said that I didn't remember anything, which was good because it meant that it was working.

The other person started to take down notes in this book before closing it again and walking towards me. "Well, number 12831, well, we are still waiting for the results on your test, but nothing is coming up, again," the other man tells me, and they walk over and tell me to sit down, and I did. "So, we are going to need to take more blood again," the man from the last dream tells me. The other guy puts the bag he was holding beside me and takes out a needle and then faces towards me, "I promise this won't hurt... as much," they say with a laugh. I heard a name being called out and looked around the room, and it started to black out again.

I could hear my name being called out, and I found myself on the floor of the canteen. There were a bunch of people gathered around me, looking down at me. I looked around, and I saw Peter and MJ and they both looked worried; I tried to get up, but my body was too weak, and I fell back onto the floor and Peter told me to relax and that Ned went to get the nurse. Then I heard someone shouting, "She is coming" and then I realized it was Ned. "Everyone, back off and give the child some space. " I hear another voice that I didn't recognize. Everyone backed up except for Peter, who stayed by my side, even though the nurse asked them to move. Then I saw the person who was talking kneel beside me and they looked at me. "Hey Darling, I'm Mrs. Lee, the school nurse. " They introduce themselves; she asked me if it hurt when they touched my leg and arms, she then asks Ned and Peter to help her bring me to their office, When we get to the office they put me on the bed in the office and then the nurses tell them to leave.

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