Saiki sighed and looked to Toritsuka.

"I have Bad News!"

Saiki already had the expression of 'spit it out'.

"The girl in my class Left her Panties in her Bag, and when I looked inside Someone took them Help me find it!"

"Yare yare, you deal with that I have somewhere to go."

Saiki had already left Leaving Toritsuka to solve his old perverted problem, soon Saiki catched up with Y/N.

"Oh hey Saiki where we're you." Said by The 8th grader.

"Toritsuka talked to me."

"Alright good excuse!"

Saiki looked at Y/N before the four of them Entered in classroom.

The room was Normal as ever, except For one.

Saiki and the rest sat down to there Respective desks, till Saiki was bombarded with the Perfect beautiful girl.

"Hellooo Saikiiii!~"

Good grief leave him alone.

"I was Wondering if You want to Go on a Date with me, Huh Saikii?"

"Accept accept accept accept accept."


Y/N hid his Laugh and Saiki heard him.

Teruhashi went to Y/N.

"Y/N please read this After class Okayy??~"

She handed Y/N a piece of paper which is a Note, he tugged it in his Pocket and then Prepared for class.

Class being the regular class, Hairo being that energetic One who'd always Be ready for anything.

Y/N decided to Head to the school roof since That woman wanted him to, as he reached the Roof he did not notice the Invisible Psychic who was following him.

Y/N Pov

As I walked around looking for that Perfect Beautiful Girl I finally spotted her in the Bench waiting.

"I'm here Teruhashi, what do you want?"

She looked at me and Had a pissed face.

"Please Stay away from Saiki Y/N."

This girl is asking me to Stay away from him, why?

"And your reason?"

You said.

"Saiki belongs to me and Only me, he can't fall for you Only to the Perfect Beautiful Girl like me You can't make him Be Yours you are a Guy!"

"And what's wrong with a Guy falling for Another Guy?"

You walked towards her but she didn't Backed down.

"Just so you know Saiki Belongs to me!" Said by Teruhashi.

"You can't just make A Person become your Lover by Force, are you dumb?"

She flinched hearing that.

"I don't care! Just wait I will get Saiki to Love Me!"

Yeah good luck with that.

"Can't you understand He doesn't Like you? It's obvious."

"He loves me You don't know Anything you...you Idiot!"

This girl is pissing me off I swear I wanna punch her, you sighed and walked Away and took once last look at her.

"You have a distorted meaning of Genuine Love and Forced Love."

She stood there froze and you walked away.

You went back to your class, Saiki isn't there you remembered they went to the Cafeteria that's where they hangout mostly.

You headed to the Cafeteria and found him there sitting in the Table with Kaidou, Nendou, Aren, Toritsuka and Aiura.

God they are so many.

You waved at them and they noticed you, Saiki waved lowly you could tell and wants you to sit next to him.

You headed to the counter to get your meal and then Sit down.

"Hi." Said the person next to you, Saiki that is.

"Hello Saiki." You replied.

You started to eat there After that, while listening to the others conversation.

"Hey Y/N where we're you earlier, we we're finding you."

"Oh, I was At the roof top had to meet someone."

Another silence then Entered and your eyes Saw Teruhashi walking to get her food aswell, she always get the Attention she isn't even That beautiful inside.

Your Mind cleared out when under the table Saiki had placed his hand on yours, I guess he understood.

Thanks Kusuo.

• • * * •* * • •


Next Chapter: Leave us Alone

Word Count: 1088

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