Chapter One

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The salt air breeze welcomes Jisoo right away as she entered the beach resort. 

Being here, exposed to the sun, the wind, and the seawater made her grimace. 

Nothing makes your hair wig out more than humidity and that ocean breeze.

This is why I like the mountains more than sea, she posed as she picked her way downhill, following the path of crushed shells that led from the beach to the Beach Houses.

Her  eyes catch a glimpse of what she was currently wearing and let out a depressing sigh, disappointed at her white linen clothing.

The outfit had seems to be perfect.

 At home, that is. 

The swing hemline no longer moved crisply all over her knees, instead clinging damply to her thighs.

She's the type of girl who doesn't wear revealing clothes.

It's not that she don't have the body for it. It's just that she prefer the comfort and neat style in the way of dressing up.

Anyway, it's business that I'm here for, she thought. Her determination remained firm. 

Despite the state of her attire, she wouldn't back down when facing the man she was here to confront.

Kim Taehyung.

The name of his new client.

A writer, specifically a war writer.

This type of authors writes story of a memorable personal experience typically involving an element of danger, hardship, or adventure.

You badly need this job, Kim Jisoo or else.. a little voice inside her head spoke.

She ignored the unwelcome reminder in her mind and instead put her focus on her surroundings. 

Astoria Current.

That was the name of this beach resort.

It wasn't hard to visit. 

It was a fantastic find in this section of the country, which is known for its newly constructed, oh-so-alike housing developments and shopping malls not far from here.

The twenty or so unconventional bungalows and colorful cottages were prime examples of beach architectural design.

Each looked as cheerful and attractive as the blossoms that grew like weeds all around them, in a rainbow of colors ranging from pale pink to vibrant red.

She grinned as a black-and-tan Pomeranian dog approached her. 

Jisoo adored dogs, despite the fact that she had never owned one. 

Her strict father, a famous scientist for that matter, had stated that pets would divert her attention away from the challenges of their studies.

And now that she's independent to him, she still can't. Her work schedule is just too chaotic to handle a pet.

She continues ahead, reaching the Main Beach House, where she knew her client is currently staying into.

 She noticed that there were six cars that were parked in front, all with two or more surfboards attached to the roof and bright-striped beach towels placed between them. 

Does Kim Taehyung have guests?

Jisoo paused for a while when she was still fifty feet from the entrance gate.

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