Ruses and Right Hooks

Start from the beginning

As the family arrived and boarded the boat that would take them to Vauxhall, Daphne looked quite nervous during the short trip across the water. ' What is the matter dear sister?' Cassandra inquired. Daphne looked up at her sister with doe like eyes, fear dancing across her pale blue eyes. She could only manage a hushed whisper. ' Nigel.' Cassandra raised a brow at her little sister, rubbing the small of Daphne's back and holds Daphne to her side protectively.

' I promise I will not let that man near you, or bother you for that matter. Alright? Stay by mine or Colin's side tonight if you must, or mama's if that would make you feel better.' Cassandra smiled warmly hoping to reassure her sister, which seemed to work as Daphne's pursed lips slowly curved into a smile. She nodded softly and took the arm of Benedict while Cassandra took Colin's arm, and Anthony took their mother's, and the Bridgerton women were escorted into the party.

   Couples enjoyed the lively music on the dance floor, and those that were on the sidelines were chatting away, the overall vibe of the party from what Cassandra can initially gather was lively and fun. As she and Colin walked further into the party, Colin seemed to spot Penelope Featherington before Cassandra and dragged his twin sister over to the young girl.

   Penelope was like a younger sister to Cassandra, and was also a childhood friend of Colin and Eloise; overtime becoming an honorary Bridgerton as she frequented their house so often over the years. Cassandra loved Penelope because she was so witty and very smart, she knew more than she led people to believe. When the young Featherington spotted the Bridgerton twins, she smiled widely and curtsied as she came face to face with them; and Colin bowed while Cassandra curtsied. The twins also shared the same happy expression in seeing Penelope, and Cassandra grinned as she looked between Colin and Penelope as they began to talk.

  It was so obvious that Penelope adored Colin, and Cassandra could see in Colin's  eyes that he liked her too; he just didn't show it or realize it even. He has flirted with just about with every girl in the city and all of them have swooned over Colin's emerald eyes and cheeky smile. But Penelope, she admires, she hangs on to every word as if each of his syllabus is one of his lasts. Those two would be a beautiful pair, and Cass would do just about anything to see her 'little sister' and brother happy. While the two talked, Cassandra surveyed the party to see Daphne and Anthony nearby promenading, however she was snapped from her surveillance as Cressida Cowper came swiftly up to the trio.

    Miss. Cowper had smiled her muzzle at Colin, extending her wrist which held her dance card. ' Mr. Bridgerton, I have a vacant dance on my card at present. Would you please fill that space?' She smiled demurely, a glint of hope behind her eyes. Just as Colin was about to say yes, Cressida slightly looks back behind her and intentionally spills the drink she had in her other hand onto Penelope's dress; which earned a yelp from Penelope.

' I am sorry dear Penelope, I did not see you there.' Cressida attempted to say honestly, not even attending to Penelope but kept her attention on Colin.

  Poor Penelope on the verge of tears, Cassandra takes Penelope's hand and protectively pulls her behind her, and faced the direction of the dance floor with Penelope's hand still in hers and began to walk, stepping on Cressida's slippered foot.

' Oh pardon me, I am so sorry I did not see you there' Cassandra smiled fakely while Penelope attempted to stifle a laugh, even Colin tried to suppress a smile. With a nod to Miss. Cowper, Colin followed the girls to the dance floor and took Penelope's hand from Cassandra's and smiled down at Penelope; his eyes not leaving hers as he spoke to his sister.

' Sister I believe I owe Miss. Featherington a dance. I shall see you a bit later perhaps?' Colin spoke, seeming to be slightly dazed. Penelope reflected the same daze in her eyes, no doubt containing her excitement. Cassandra laughed and nodded, placing a hand on each of their shoulders.

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