Chapter 3

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"Explain, Mr. Potter," Penelope demanded. She wasn't the only one that was confused. Many were looking at Daphne with searching looks. What did Daphne Greengrass have to do with anything?"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "I could, but it would be easier to show you." Penelope sighed and nodded her consent. He placed a memory into the courtroom Pensieve.

Everyone watched as a fourteen year old Harry leaned slightly out the window of the Astronomy tower, taking a drag out of a cigarette. Just watching Harry smoke freaked his family out. Lily Potter wondered how she had not seen all these signs that her son was not okay. Really, what kind of mother didn't know her son smoked? She should've known, should've done something to help him, to free him, but she hadn't. Lily had been living in a fantasy world, believing her family to be perfectly fine, that her sons had been perfectly fine. She had been wrong, and Harry paid the price.

The room was startled by the voice that asked, "Come here often?"

Harry didn't seem surprised. He chuckled wryly. "Nice to see you too, Greengrass," he said, taking another drag.

Daphne Greengrass stepped out of the shadows, disbelief written all over her face. "How did you...?" From the incredulous looks of the courtroom, she wasn't the only one with that question.

"From the footsteps I could tell it was a girl, and I smelt a scent of newt eyes which means the girl was working in the potion lab very recently, and the only people Snape allows to be in the lab this late are Slytherins." Harry grinned. "And I happen to know that a certain Ice Princess likes to hang out here."

Someone audibly uttered, "Why wasn't he in Ravenclaw?", but most were too focused on the memory to notice.

The memory Daphne's face remained neutral. She raised an eyebrow. "Impressive."

Harry shrugged, stull enjoying his cigarette, something that didn't escape Daphne's notice. She walked over to the window and leaned out in a manner similar to Harry's stance. "So how does a Gryffindor Golden Boy learn to smoke?" she asked mockingly.

There was no reaction, something that surprised most. It was a well-known fact that Gryffindors were notorious for rising to the bait, but Harry just flicked the ashes of his cigarette out into the wind, his face impassive. "As enjoyable as this conversation is, why are you here, Greengrass?"

Daphne gave him a look. "Like you said, I like it up here." She looked out into the sky, seemingly savoring the view. "Why are you here?"

Harry shrugged once again, having finished his cigarette. "It's quiet," he said. "I can hear myself think."

There was a silence, but it was not awkward. All eyes were on memory Harry as he took out a small box and pulled out another cigarette. James randomly wondered how his son got the cigarettes. They definitely weren't something available at Hogsmeade. Maybe someone sent them to him...

Surprisingly, Daphne asked, "Can I try one?"

Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise but pulled one out for her. She put the cigarette in her mouth, and he lit it for her. She breathed in and started to cough uncontrollably. Harry laughed and expertly took a drag of his own cigarette. Daphne threw hers out the window and breathed in the fresh air, trying to ease the burning sensation in her lungs.

"That was vile," she stated with a wrinkle to her nose. "Why do you smoke them?"

"Calms me down," Harry answered vaguely, avoiding Daphne's gaze. Lily could see he wanted to something else but couldn't. She had always been able to tell when her sons were holding back. "By the way, Gryffindor Golden Boy? Really lame insult. You guys should work on that one."

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