[ JUNE 20TH, 2020 ]


Twelve days after Athena arrived, she was finally more than an hour of alone time with JJ

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Twelve days after Athena arrived, she was finally more than an hour of alone time with JJ. It, dreadfully, wasn't for long. Only a few hours, since they decided they'd be going to meet up with everyone else later anyway, but Athena was taking what she could get at this point. And after yesterday (and the day before that), she really needed this.

They were just on the cut, walking around. JJ was giving her a tour, but Athena didn't need it anymore. She already had the whole island mapped out in her head about six days ago. It's not like it was big. Still, she appreciated the gesture. More importantly, the alone time. Though Athena was wondering if John B and Pope knew they were alone right now. Or Kiara.

Those two always seemed to be flirting. Athena knew she could get jealous easily, but she felt as though Pope and John B picked up on the flirting too. If there was genuinely something going on, Athena would find out. She just hoped that it would be sooner rather than later. And as of right now, she didn't wanna bring up to JJ just to have been wrong about her suspicions. After all, JJ seemed to just be a very flirtatious person. Even with his guy friends. Maybe Athena would just have to learn to deal. She tugged at her shorts, moisture rubbing off onto her fingertips.

It was hot out. Very hot. JJ was dripping with sweat from just walking around. He had on a muscle tee and cargo shorts, plus a hat and sunglasses to keep safe from the sun, but he was still sweaty. Athena was too, obviously, just not as much.

The air was dry too. It hadn't rained since that day. That glorious day on the front porch. Athena had been so pissed about having to spend her summer with her grandmother in the Outer Banks, of all places, but that day had made her realize just how perfect things would be.

"So, that's it? Just like that?" Athena asked. JJ kicked a rock and it skidded over to the curb, bouncing back in his direction but landing a few feet away from him.

The kids were discussing John B and his now ex place of employment.

"Yeah. The man booted him." JJ explained. "He found about the stolen scuba. So much for eating this week, I guess."

Athena felt her face crawl into contortion. She felt bad that John B was fired from his job, but now she felt a hell of a lot worse. So much for eating this week? Did JJ really mean that? From the looks of John B's living situation right now... he was probably being dead serious.

"I'm a good cook, you know." Athena laughed nervously. She was now dead-set on trying to lighten the mood. "I can be your personal chef for a while." She nudged his shoulder with hers and he did it right back, a smile forming on his lips. JJ ran his hand through his hair with a laugh.

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