Such A Wonderful Time

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[The date "October 13 2020" appears onscreen, counting down- first slowly, then quickly.]

There were a few shocked murmurs among the groups about how far away the date was, but Navis only tilted her head. "Huh."

That's only two years away... Was that the year this was made? She thought.


October 2017

October - when did it really happen?

October 1931


[It stops on "October 10 1931", then disappears]

"So this takes place a year from now..." Abe muttered.

"That's good, right?"


Abe turned to Navis, seeing her look up at him.

She squirmed a little, explaining quietly, "If this takes place in the future, then that means we're going to know about it, which means we could probably change it... if that makes sense?"

Abe blinked, before smiling and air-ruffling her hair again. "That's pretty smart, kiddo. What do you all think about taking advantage of the knowledge we gain here?" He raised his voice so that he could be heard by everyone in the theater, causing the show to stop.

Before anyone from Bing's group could object, (They were from the future, after all, and who knows what changing it could mean for them?) the Director chuckled loud enough for everyone to hear. "I forgot to mention, you will keep your memories of your time in this theater, so you'll have the chance to change what you see fit."

"And for Dark's group? Long explanation short, alternate universes exist, this musical is about the 'canon' universe, and I'm about to create a new universe by sending everyone back with their memories intact. Don't worry though," Bing could hear her smiling, "I'll send you back to your universe right as rain, and you can deal with your memories as you will."

"Does that work for everyone?" After hearing a few affirmations from the people down below, the Director leaned back in their chair. "Well then, back to the show! After all, it's..."



The Director giggled.

"Wait, that's my voice!"


You're late!

You're late!

[William appears onscreen, hands in his pockets and looking a little bored, in front of an out-of-focus shot of the manor]


"Glad to see you're in this, old friend!" Mark grinned, but his smile dropped off his face as a thought occurred to him. "Oh, this... this really is happening, then?"

Celine looked across the seats at him oddly, so Mark elaborated, stuttering "This really is happening? We're about to see a play starring mostly people we already know as characters?" He fidgeted a little in his seat. "I know we already established this in the last song, with Abe and Will, but... it's only really hitting me now, I guess."

Mavalin, the only one next to Mark, patted his shoulder, as if to try and calm him, but she didn't know what to say to that.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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