"Thumbtacks." Clara said to the Fat Lady.

"Correct!" She exclaimed, and the portrait swung open, revealing the entrance to the Gryffindor common room.



"How have you been, Clara? Haven't spoken in quite some time, have we?" Frank smiled, walking alongside Clara.

"All's good, Frank. How about you?" Clara smiled.

"Quite all right! What're you up to?"

"I'm going to the Library to study with Jazz," Clara responded. "Alice will be here in a bit, don't worry."

"Right! Thanks, Potter! You're the best!" Frank clapped his hands excitedly, and left Clara to walk up the staircase to her dorm.

Clara snatched her bag from a chair, and threw in everything she might need: Notebook, potions textbook, arithmancy textbook, and astronomy textbook. Her quill and ink, a muggle pen, and her water bottle. Clara hurried out of her dorm, and out of the common room to Jazz.

"Took you long enough, Potter," Jazz smiled, and clapped Clara on the back.

Clara nodded, and walked alongside Jazz towards the Library.

"So...what's up? What's got you down in the dirt?" Jazz asked, placing her arm around Clara's shoulders, and shaking her slightly.

Clara laughed. "I don't know what you're talking about, Jazz!" She giggled.

"You know much too well." Jazz said, her face suddenly sincere.

"Well I'm fine, and I don't want to talk about myself," Clara shrugged. "Besides, I need to study."

Jazz frowned. She sighed, "Arithmancy first?"

"No. Potions." Clara said abruptly.

"Well, all right then!" Jazz shrugged.

The two of them found a free table in the library and sat down. Jazz kept clicking her muggle pen, and Clara repeatedly told her to stop.

"It's irritating!"

"Well, I'm bored!"

"Why'd you come with me then? Huh? I came here to study!"

"I came because I need help with Arithmancy! But you're too busy helping yourself!"

"Fine!" Clara huffed. "Help yourself." She stood up and gathered her things, placing them in her bag.

Jazz folded her arms stubbornly. "Fine, I will."



Clara turned on her heal, and strutted out of the library, leaving Jazz sitting alone at the table.

Jazz waited till Clara left the library, then ran to the nearest bookshelf, and began scavenging for books on Arithmancy.

She had collected around five books, all stacked in her hands, when someone appeared beside her, and she dropped all her books.

"Oh! Black!" Jazz exclaimed, her hands covering her chest in shock.

"'Ello, Jazz!" Sirius grinned. "So, how's the family?"

"If it had escaped your notice, Black, I'm not exactly very fond of my friend's exes." Jazz rolled her eyes, and knelt down to pick up her books.

"Well, she doesn't exactly seem to be your friend right now, does she?" Sirius inquired, twirling his dark hair around his pale finger innocently.

✌︎︎𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝙿𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜✌︎︎Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ